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5/SS Meyer & 5.SS Zeitzler-Castro

5/SS Meyer & 5.SS Zeitzler-Castro: First of all, thank you for taking the time to read this! Here you will read the opinions/views and historical FACTS....... You are reading this because you were "offended" or questioned my use of 5/SS as part of my screen name in the game Day of Defeat. Please read the following: 1. 5/SS = the 5th WAFFEN SS Division of the German Armed Forces during WW2. ~Waffen is translated to COMBAT in english. ~SS=ShootzStaffle is traslated to Armed Guards in english ~together that is COMBAT ARMED GUARDS 2. WAFFEN-SS had NOTHING to do with the murder of the Jewish people, that is another group called the ALGEMINE-SS. ~Algemine= 3.I am a WW2 ReEnactor, and I reenact a common foot soldier of 5/SS. ~This means I dress as a German soldier for Public Shows/Mock Battles. 4. I am NOT a racist!!!! 5. 95% of the German Armed Forces were not Nazi's. 6. Still dont like me using 5/SS? Read some HISTORY BOOKS!!! 7. Most soldiers of the German Armed Forces in WW2 were drafted or were 'forced' to voulunteer. 8. Visit This is my ReEnactment unit's web-site, you will find pleanty more informaion here. 9. Of all the Waffen-SS Divisions convicted at Nuremburg after the war, the 5th SS Division was the ONLY one to not be convicted of ANY charges. That means war-crimes, genocide, acts against humanity. 10. Ok, if you whined to me in the server about, your offended cause Germans killed of some part of your family......... History is History, it can not be erased, changed, manipulated, or FORGOTTEN; BUT, it must be understood! ~ You must realize that most Germans were just like us. Young men, pressed into war by their current leader. They did not object to the war, because they fought for their Country, not that maniac Hitler!!! ~ If you have problems, blame him. Not the German people, not the German Armed Forces, and DO NOT blame me; I wasn't even born yet. 11. I never, ever, want to hear you whine about this subject again if you still can't handle the TRUTH (i.e. the PAST), you should really consider the following: 1. Uninstall Day of Defeat and find another game that doesn't involve World War 2 2. Move to FRANCE or GERMANY, where Swastika's, Death Heads (Totenkopf), and any thing marked SS, is ILLEAGAL unless its at a musuem! 3. Have something you'd like to talk with me about??? e-mail me at (Meyer) / (Zeitzler) I would be more than happy to chat with you, but please, mind your manners, I will not talk with someone who is just going to call me a "nazi" and/or use offensive language. Thank You for reading this, 5/SS Meyer & 5.SS Zeitzler-Castro (DoD ScreenName) ------------------------------------------------- SS-Pionier Christian Meyer & SS-Bewerber Fritz Zeitzler (5/SS ReEnactment Unit German Name) 5/SS Pz.Pi.Bat.5. "Wiking" "Erste drinnen und letzte draußen!" (First in, last out!)


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