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Merry Meet!
Welcome to my (Hollys) Realm!

A modern form of Witchcraft is called "Wicca." Wiccans have a core of inner knowledge-often called the "Book of Shadows"-which is known only to initiated Wiccans. Most Traditional Wiccans believe in the balance of male-female divinity. Traditional Wiccans are seldom solitary except for those 'Elders'-usually former priests and priestesses-who may have retired from active coven involvement.

Just for the record, I'm wiccan (Still learning, though) and to set things straight, wiccans do NOT worship satan. Nor harm, or torture any living creature in any way what-so-ever. A "witch" acknowledges matter and spirit as one whole, they worship nature as stream and stone, plant, animals and people. Unseen natural energies are seen by witches in colours, smells, symbols, etc. We do NOT wear black pointy hats, do NOT have bent old noses, and do NOT have warts or any of that fairytale nonsense. In fact, we could be anyone. Your best friend, your neighbour. Anyone. And unless that person tells you, you mightn't even know we are wiccan. So you shant think of us as those old hags you might see in childrens novels. So there! hehe. From different spells, we recognise different feelings - from power and protection to pureness and nurturing. Ofcourse, you must be careful with casting spells. To cut it down to short, the most important phrase to remember about witch-craft is:-

"Eight words in the witches creed fulfill,
If it harms none, do what you will.

I hope some of this has helped you in understanding Wicca.

Blessed be!