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Need Money? I must tell you these spells work best when you need the money, then when you just want money to spend it.Anyway here they are.


Cast this spell on a Thursday during the New Moon/On the New Moon or Full Moon.

Materials: A Large 7 day candle, four votive green candles, mint Oil, five mint leaves, powdered cinnamon.

Go outside your front door and sprinkle the the cinnamon powder put four mint leaves too(each one represents each direction).

Put a green votive candle on each direction, North, South, East and West. DO NOT GET OUT OF THE CIRCLE. Call upon Fortuna for help. Light the four votive canles,concentrate on what you need the money for. On the large seven day candle sprinkle the cinnamon and put the mint leaf in the canle light it up and say:

Fortuna Attend me now, I need your help in________. Please bring me the money I need, the reason I need the money is_________. With harm to none Blessed Be!

Picture that you have obtained the money (just dont picture how you got it) Let the seven day candle burn out, you may blow out the votive candles. Your luck should change depending on what you need the money for and your positive thinking. Have patience.


Materials: Four green votice candles, one large seven day candle, ginger, cinnamon, John the conqueror incense, and mint oil.

Put a green votive candle on each direction, North, South, East and West. Call the corners. Once you have done this,on the large seven day candle write your name and birthday at the bottom of the candle around the candle write the amount of money you need.Why and by when you need it. Light the incense of John the Conqueror then put the ginger.On the seven day large candle draw King Tut. Light the candle and say:

Goddess Fortuna,Please bring me________dollars. For the reason _________.I know you are hearing and watching me, you know that I'm not telling you a fib. Please Goddess Diana bring me this money I need. Please bring me_________ dollars with harm to none before ______of this year 200__.Thank you Goddesses for listening and helping me. Blessed Be. Carry the amulet with you. Light the candle,pour the mint oil, put the cinnamon inside the candle and leave it lit until it burns out on its own.

More Spells to come soon!
