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Reunion Committee

The 10-yr reunion will take place on Saturday, July 29, 2006. The goal is to maximize attendance and make sure everyone is invited.

How to help: We are currently recruiting people to help with the tasks listed below. If you'd like to help, let us know what you'd like to help with!! If you do choose to volunteer, just do as much as you're comfortable with! I know everyone is busy, and this is supposed to be fun!

COMMUNICATIONS: (now - July) We need as much help as we can get to spread the word around!
- find addresses, phone numbers, and/or email addresses of classmates (also invite coaches, teachers, classmates who moved before graduation, friends of the class, etc.), volunteers: Molly Coyle, Laura (Kilps) Meade, David Pellitteri, Shelly (Herfel) Johnson
- design & send out Evite (DONE)
- design paper invitations or postcards or mailers for Verona grads who don't have email, volunteers: (DONE)
- publicity (notify websites, newspapers, radio/TV stations, magazines, etc. of our reunion, write a press release) (June - July), volunteers: Jen (Hughes) Olson

FINANCE: (now - July), volunteers: Molly Coyle, Jen (Hughes) Olson
- put down deposit for Christy's (DONE)
- pay for classmates account (DONE)
- collect checks from people who prepay and record who has paid (May? - July)
- develop a budget (this will be easier to determine when more people RSVP)

FUNDRAISING: (now - July), volunteers:
- does anyone have any ideas?

- should we hire a DJ or band (they have a jukebox, we could just plug that ahead of time)
- organize a golf outing for Saturday 7/29 before the reunion, volunteers:
- organize a potluck picnic for Sunday 7/30, the day after the reunion, volunteers: Laura (Kilps) Meade (DONE)
- select appetizers (May - July), volunteers: Jen (Hughes) Olson, Shana (Hammersley) Schwarz
- volunteers to help set up/decorate, clean up, collect money, check people in, etc. at the reunion, volunteers: Molly Coyle, Laura (Kilps) Meade, Jen (Hughes) Olson, Stacey (Kinsler) Solomon, Shana (Hammersley) Schwarz
- buy decorations (June-July), volunteers: Molly Coyle
- should we make name tags ahead of time? (June-July)
- should we have any games, slidshows etc., maybe we could make up a how well do you know your classmates game or something like that?

- write, edit and send out a questionnaire (May)
- format questionnaire responses and look into publishing them or emailing everyone a copy or maybe having them on the web? (May - July)

- is there anything else we should do?

Do you frequently run into other Verona grads? If so, please download either of these two flyers and help us distribute them to our classmates!
Flyer 1
Flyer 2

Committee Meetings/Notes:

3/19/06 - an email went out (starting) today to everyone who expressed interest in helping plan the 10-yr

2/13/06 - a save the date email and an Evite went out (starting) today

6/20/05 - 6:30p @ Pedros West - goal: to generate ideas and get a rough idea of a date, see notes

6/12/05 - the general interest email went out today


For our ten-year reunion we will need several Verona grads to help with planning and contacting classmates. Also, in the future we may need assistance maintaining this web site. If you would like to help please send us a message.

If you prefer not to join the reunion committee, but wish to help, we always need updated contact information. So if you have contact information for other Verona grads, let us know. Also, if you have suggestions for future reunions or ideas for the web page, e-mail us.
