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Verona Area High School
Class of 1996


VAHS Class of ‘96

Reunion Committee

Class of ‘96

Alumni Directory

Update My
Contact Info

Class Calendar

Class Message Board

REUNIONS, Graduation & other Events

15-yr Reunion
10-yr Reunion
5-yr Reunion
Graduation Day


City of Verona


Other VAHS Classes

Area High Schools

Class of '96 MySpace page

Class of '96 Facebook Group

Verona Press community news

Fitchburg Star community news

Verona Class of 1996                                                                         follow us on: find us on facebook find us on twitter

Reunion Headquarters…

Verona Area High School
Verona, Wisconsin

Hello classmates,

2016 is approaching and you know what that means! Yep, it's reunion year. We will need help: finding classmates contact info, making phone calls / visiting locations to find a venue, inviting classmates, etc. It would be great to put together a team to help with this including at least a few Madison-area people. We could also use some "social media ambassadors" to make posts and generate interest on twitter, facebook, etc. Are you able to help out? If so, please email

You can connect with the class of '96 in several ways:


Keep in touch! :)

We are hoping to release a more detailed alumni directory or where are they now booklet at some point to help everyone keep in touch. Please update your info soon, so we can include you in the directory.

Update your contact info and/or Fill out the "Where are they now" survey

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News/Upcoming Event(s):

Class of '96 20-yr Reunion
Reunion planning is beginning! Would you like to help? We will need help: finding classmates contact info, making phone calls / visiting locations to find a venue, inviting classmates, etc. Email us if you are able to help!

Class of '96 15-yr Reunion
VAHS class of '96 reunion has been booked for Saturday, July 30th, 2011 at Gray's in Verona. The reunion will start at 7:00p and the cost is $10/person prepay or $15/person at the door. Check out the Evite to RSVP.

Breast Cancer Fundraiser for Jessi FitzRandolph
On Thursday, March 3rd, 2011, a fundraiser will be held for Jessi FitzRandolph (class of '95) as she fights breast cancer. The event is at Scatz in Middleton and starts at 5pm. The event will include live music from Kind of a Big Deal, a silent auction, a raffle and more. For more details or to make a donation, please visit her website: or contact the event coordinator, Bowen Best (

FaceBook new!
We have a group on Facebook. It is open to everyone -- check it out!

Class of '98 10-yr Reunion
The class of 1998's 10-yr reunion has been scheduled for Saturday, August 2nd, 2008. If you have friends or siblings who graduated in 1998, please let them know that reunion details are posted online at:

Benefit for Amber Ehle Shelton
On Saturday, November 10th, 2007, a benefit will be held for Amber Ehle Shelton (class of '97) who is currently battling cancer. It's at 7 p.m. at the Village Inn in South Wayne, WI. It includes: Food, Raffle, Silent Auction and Music by Long Hard Ride. $10.00 donation at the door. Monetary donations can be sent to the Woodford State Bank, 212 W. Highway 11, South Wayne WI 53587. For more information, please contact: Renee Argall (608) 558-2736

If you have news or know of an upcoming event that you would like listed, please email details to:

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So many of you have already filled out the Where are they now Survey -- thanks! Here are some stats describing our class:

You remember what your classmates were like in high school, but who are they now?

Some went on to college (of 142 respondents):
High school graduates: 31%
Associates degree or some college: 8%
Bachelor’s degree: 50%
Graduate degree: 10%
Doctoral degree: 1%

Some got married (of 177 respondents):
Single: 57%
Married: 43%

Some had children (of 147 respondents):
Kids: 30%
No Kids: 70%

What are they doing now? (of 113 respondents):
Working: 85%
Students: 11%
Full-time Parents: 4%

Who grew up to be what? (of 46 respondents): The most popular job for a V-town grad was a Teacher – we have 8 of them among us! Some of your classmates have the following jobs: Actor, Architect, Attorney, Bartender, Chef, Costume Designer, Engineer, Golf Pro, Mechanic, Military, Minister, Nurse, Physician, Plumber, Roofer, Teacher, Truck Driver, Vice President and many others!

Did you take pictures at the reunion? Email them to us!!


The Alumni Directory contains the e-mail addresses of THREE QUARTERS of our class! It is password protected to prevent non-grads from entering. Just click on the link to your left. (If you haven’t received a password yet and want to use it, just send a message that includes your name and a password will be sent to you via e-mail.)

  Copyright © 2001-15 VAHS Class of 96 Reunion Committee
Contact us