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Nyght Kytten's Book of Shadows

Nyght Kytten's Book of Shadows

Star's Book of Shadows

Merry Meet all! Can you believe it? this sight has been running for over four years now! I feel so proud of myself. I am so glad this site is up and running, and while I get new ideas for more links and formats, I hope your all enjoying the information i provide. I'm sorry to have left this alone for so long. My first year of college is over and done with so hopefully I'll have more time to add to this and bring you knowledge. Perhaps add a page with ancient spells. :D Keep Faith and Merry Part.
Nyght Kytten

Book of Shadows

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This site was made by Nyght Kytten and all the rights to this site belongs to her. If you want to take an image or information to put on your site please email her first. Thank you. This site has been running since June 14, 2001.

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