Welcome to Peter Ambrose's Housepage

Hi there. I'm Peter Ambrose. This is my website. I just moved to Los Angeles and like so many of my fellow Angelenos I am trying to make my mark in the world of media. Public media are particularly important to me, such as KPCC, the public radio station based in lovely Pasadena, CA. I have had the fortunate opportunity to contribute to their website on a regular basis, although most of my work is behind the scenes.

At this point, the subliminal suggestion has kicked in and you want to know more. This will help you.

Peter Ambrose: Human of Earth.

Media tirade (in progress)

Picture Gallery.

The humor page.

Finally Here! The Evolution of Athletics! The Evolution of Athletics was an off-beat project for Statistics class in high school. We submitted it to a national contest. We didn't win but at least it was fun and we got an A on the project. If you want to see it, just click on the Uni caveman. Wow. This is so much fun I'm getting motion sickness.

Here is the portal to my BIZARRO website! Enter with caution. Created with the help of Yahoo Babelfish Translator (formerly Altavista)

Need to get out of here? Have some links:

The Onion: a wacky newspaper born in Madison featuring the writings of my mentor, Smoove B.

University Laboratory High School: My old high school.

The University of Wisconsin: My old college.

Angelfire, The gracious host of this webpage. You can get your own just like it. You can be just like me!

Looking for some place like home? Just click your heels 3 times and scream Yahoo!

This page was constructed with the power of Macintosh

Ye Olde Tourney-Mint Mit Das Champions: The current delapidated home of our defunct poker tournament series.

This many people have visited my page:

E-mail me at salthecarp27@lycos.com

Copyright Peter Ambrose 1998-2009