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I am adding SELECT poems. If you have one that you especially like, email it to me.


I am the Teller of Tales,
Gaze into the fire with me,
For I know of the Badger Lords,
And their mountain, by the sea.
'Tis of a fearsome warrior,
Full of fate and destiny,
Who followed dreams, along strange paths,
Unknown to such as we,
This Badger Lord was fearless,
As all who followed him knew,
And the haremaid he befriended,
Why, she was as young as you!
But no less bold or courageous,
Full of valour and strong of heart,
Aye, young 'uns like you, good and true,
May stand to take their part.
So here is my story, may it bring
Some smiles, and a tear or so,
It happened, once upon a time,
Far away, and long ago.
Outside the night wind keens and wails,
Come listen to me, the Teller of Tales!

      from Lord Brocktree
The young must grow old,
whilst old ones grow older,
and cowards will shrink,
as the bold grow bolder.
courage may blossom in quiet hearts,
for who can tell where bravery starts?
truth is a song, oft lying unsung,
some mother bird, protecting her young,
those who lay down their lives for their friends,'
the echo rolls onward, it seldom ends.
who never turned and ran, but stayed?
this is a warrior born, not made!
living in peace, aye many a season,
calm in life and sound in reason,
'til evil arrives, a wicked horde,
driving a warrior to pick up his sword,
the challenger rings then, straight and fair
justice is with us, beware. beware!
          from the legend of luke