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Today's - Last updated Sunday, May 4, 2008
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Personal Poetry
312 Stones to Pass 8.20.01 99 words of Discouragement A Child Unnamed Acute Obscurity A Day Out of My Hands Addiction After All Again A Lie All Day Long Alone, Again... And I Say An Idea A Penny for your Thoughts As I Died Slowly A Sonnet for My Pride* A Title I'll Have to Live With: Me* Babe, You Frighten Me* Bad Hand Bad News, Hopeful Before the Sun Better for Me Change Your Life Cliche Constantly Crying Wolf Cue Cards Darkness Defiance and Corruption... Depression Detached Diabetes Diary of a Poser Dinner For One Doll Dying For Her Being Endless, Nameless Enigma Ephemerally Instituted Euphonious Everyone's Sad Faith of a Primate Feisty_Female Finally Five Stanza Fortunate Son God is Dead God Will Forgive Gods Goodbye Hell Her Houston We have a Problem I Dream I Felt, I Thought, Love If You Were On Hand I Know (Now) I'm a Whore Incoherent I Never Signed a Contract In My Cushioned Room Irrational (Wo)Man It's Only Money It Will Continue I Will Say Goodbye Jealous Guy Journey Blues Junk in my Pocket Kill Me Lady-friend Formerly Last Day Let The Boy Die Life Goes On Life of a Boy Limitation Lonely Picket Fence Love Money and Paper Mother Blues Ms. L My Elizabeth My Fair Inquisition Nightmares of Reality Nimrod Nonsense No Perfection Not a Distant Bother Not Rich As I Am Poor* Obesity Obituary Birthday One's Anemia Pain in the Head... Patience is a Virtue Pay, Pay, Pay Poem #51.181 Promise Land Request of Dignity Runaway Sang-froid Satisfactory of Love Self Inflicted Sex is Love She Said Sifting Silence Sitting a Room Apart Blues* Spacibo Sweet Lemon The Baby that Wasn't Meant The Beautiful Dollar The King of the Masochist Revolts The Kurt Cobain Disease The Moon of Joshua The Rest of Me These Things Thoughts of a Dead Man Tomorrow and Tomorrow, Again To - My Ego To - My Only Friend To - My Welfare Underneath this Tree Unhappiness Unknowing Fool Untitled Wasteland Watching Parting Lovers What Am I to Be What is You, is Not Me What The Day Dream Says When I Die When I Say Gap, I Mean Void Who I Am Inside Worthless Yesterday is Tomorrow
Brief and Nameless*
One Lonely Soul - B. Walters
Love Poems
About a Girl Addiction A Tear Feather In the Wind Interstate Love Song Leaves of Love Lonely Song Love Buzz Rachel Ready & Able Reasons Someday The Day You Came Along The Healed Man The Seasons Passing This Person is You Valentine Wait For Me Why Can't You Be With Me Without You
A Poem About Someone Concept Poem Flinstone's Vitamins For You Free Verse Poem Heaven, I Implore I Own This It Shall Be Returned Less Than Inspiring Lynsey, Lynsey Princess of Me Something Tell Me Again Thanha Thine Love To Enjoy
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