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Decipher's(My) Planned Products

When deciding what products to make for Episode II, I decided to take it further. I decided to take certain liberties, and planned out how Decipher would continue through Episode III and end their SW:CCG line.

So, I planned out the three Episode II products, will plan out Episode III products when they come out, and have plans for new Reflections, Enhanced, two anthologies, and one more set for each movie. Here's the product list, and when it "comes out":

    January 2002: 4th Anthology-Including:
  1. 1 Pack WB Premiere
  2. 1 Pack WB Dagobah
  3. 2 Packs Death Star II
  4. 1 Pack Endor
  5. 1 Pack Tatooine
  6. 1 Pack Coruscant

May 2002: Jedi Temple-180 Cards(Booster Packs-11 Cards)

August 2002: Kamino-180 Cards(Booster Packs-11 Cards)

November 2002: Geonosis-182 Cards(Booster Packs-11 Cards, 2 Ultra-Rares, and LS/DS Decks-60 Cards, 2 Random Rares)

January 2003: Reflections IV-50 Premium Cards, 200 Foils(Booster Packs-15, Includes 2 Foil, 1 Premium, 12 Random Cards)

April 2003: Expanded Universe-324 Cards(Booster Packs-15)

July 2003: Enhanced Coruscant-12 Premium Cards, 3 Foils(5 Packs Pre-chosen)

2003: Enhanced Geonosis-12 Premium Cards, 3 Foils(5 Packs Pre-chosen)

November 2003: Death Star-120 Cards(Booster Packs-11)

February 2004: Bespin-120 Cards(Booster Packs-11)

May 2004: Ewok Village-120 Cards(Booster Packs-11)

October 2004: Reflections V-50 Premium Cards, 200 Foils(Booster Packs-15, Includes 2 Foil, 1 Premium, 12 Random Cards)

    February 2005: 5th Anthology-Including:
  1. 1 Pack BB Premiere
  2. 2 Packs Bespin
  3. 1 Pack Jedi Temple
  4. 1 Pack Kamino
  5. 1 Pack Geonosis
  6. 1 Pack Ewok Village
  7. 6 Preview Cards(in WB version)-TBA after more Episode III information becomes available to me

May 2005: 1st Episode III Expansion-180 Cards(Booster Packs-11)

August 2005: 2nd Episode III Expansion-180 Cards(Booster Packs-11)

November 2005: 3rd Episode III Expansion-180 Cards(Booster Packs-11)

February 2006: Enhanced Geonosis-12 Premium Cards, 3 Foils(5 Packs Pre-chosen)

May 2006: Reflections VI-50 Premium Cards, 150 Foils(Booster Packs-15, Includes 2 Foil, 1 Premium, 12 Random Cards)

Septermber 2006: Mos Espa-120 Cards(Booster Packs-11)

December 2006: Heart of the Republic-120 Cards(Booster Packs-11)

March 2007: Episode III Expansion(along same lines as other five)-120 Cards(Booster Packs-11)

June 2007: Enhanced Episode III-12 Premium Cards, 3 Foils(5 Packs Pre-chosen)

September 2007: Reflections VII-300 Foils(Booster Packs-15, Includes 3 Foils, 12 Random Cards

December 2007: Re-Release All Previous Products Including BB, WB, Foils, etc. in a blowout celebration of Star Wars on the 13th anniversary year of SW:CCG.