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Fun Opie Facts!
  • Loveable!
  • Friendly!
  • Plays well with other dogs
  • About one year old and very intelligent
  • Now no longer a 'Heinz 57' mix! We received an e-mail from a wonderful person (who shall remain anonymous) who pointed out that Opie may be part Australian Sheep Dog/Kelpie! It was a fantastic surprise!
  • Is able to speak
  • Chases butterflies
  • Neutered
  • Has all his vaccinations
  • Healthy
  • Sleeps through thunderstorms
  • Needs a home!
  • FREE!! Collar included!
    If you would like to adopt Opie, please e-mail:
    Opie Pictures!
    Click on any of the thumbnail images to view the larger picture of Opie.
    The thumbnail images are a new experiment for me. Does the page still look good? Did it load faster? I would love some comments from you so I know whether the thumbnails were a good idea. You can e-mail me at:opiesowner@angelfire.comThanks!

    Hear Opie speak! Click here.
    If you would like to see a video of Opie, please read on:

    You can view the Opie video by using RealPlayer. Just click here: RealPlayer Opie
    Or you can use Windows Media Player and view the same video by clicking here: Windows Media Player Opie
    Using RealPlayer takes a lot less time to download, but produces a very grainy image. I would recommend using Windows Media Player, or clicking on that link to see if your computer will play the video. It takes about 7 minutes to load and produces a very clear picture. I would say it is worth the time to load, but I'm also biased. Hope it works for you!
    NEW!!  Here is a new video of Opie. Once again, choose either Windows Media Player Opie Tricks(eight or nine minutes to load) or RealPlayer Opie Tricks which takes about a minute and a half to load, but with poor quality.

    See Opie Smile!
    To view more pictures of Opie and to see him smile, click here.

    If you would consider providing Opie with a home, please enter your e-mail or phone number and your name in the space provided and we will be sure to get back to you:

    If you would like to e-mail Opie's temporary guardian directly, click here:
    E-mail Opie's Temporary Guardian


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