Welcome to my site!! This site is mostly for my fan fiction, and links to other sites, and other author's fan fiction.

For now, I will be linking to stories that are actually done, and then later, as I get time to add them, the other stories that I have written. Also, if you write fan fiction, and want to have yours placed here, then please email me with the story, and I will work on getting it online.

Feel free to email me or sign my guestbook if you have comments or compliments. And as you read the other authors' work, feel free to email them with any thoughts you have. There should be a link to them on their story pages.




Fantasies and Fan fiction


 I am not any of the people that are portrayed in the stories contained herein. In no way do I claim to be them, and in no way do I claim to know them. To my knowledge, none of the authors whose work I have posted, are the people they write about, or know the people they write about. These stories contain very sexual situations, and were meant for adult entertainment. If you are not of legal age to view adult material in your area, then you can not enter my site. If you choose to continue forward, then you are liable for your actions. This site is not for profit, and because of that, I feel that my use of any copyrighted material is of fair use. The stories found within this site belong to the people who have written them, and I will prosecute to the fullest degree if anyone attempts to steal them.