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Now I remember why I liked dating Nick Josie thought to herself as she took in a breath of jamacian air. She walked backed into the hotel and sighed. Nick and the guys were trying to become the group they were before Nick had the accident. So, she was in Jamacia not doing anything. Josie flipped on the TV. At least they have Cable Josie thought. She flipped off the TV and went into the next room. She dropped her rope and laid on a table getting ready for her 3 o'clock Masseuse.

Josie adjusted her string bikini and turned her head to look at Nick.

"This is great isn't it?" Josie asked. He gave her a half smile.

"Yea great" Nick replied. Josie frowned.

"I've only been with you for a week and already you don't seem happy" Josie exclaimed. Nick smiled.

"I'm with you, That makes me the happiest man alive" Nick replied.

"Something's bothering you" Josie exclaimed. Nick shrugged.

"Nothing in the world makes me happier than You Josie. I live to be with you-but....I live for the feeling of being on stage and having millions of people want you. I miss that" Nick explained. Josie sighed. She looked up as a figure came running towards her. It was a private beach so she was alarmed until she saw the leopard print bikini, which was obviously Amanda.

"Nick! You guys got a record deal!!!" Amanda yelled. Nick stood up and screamed. He helped Josie up and squeezed her tight. Josie kissed him and smiled up at him.

"Now you'll have 2 things you love" Josie explained. He picked her up and whirled her around,

"Does this look good?" Nick questioned. He wore a gray suit with a white shirt underneath.

"You look sexy whatever you wear" Josie exclaimed. Nick eyed her.

"Well, yea, I know" Nick joked. "I'm dead sexy"

"Right.....In your own little world Carter" Josie joked.

"What are you wearing to the big record company meeting?" Nick asked.

"Why would I go?" Josie asked. Nick left the room and came back with a white peice of paper.

"Because....This peice of paper says 'To the Boys and their wives' and since you're my girl, you're invited too" Nick replied.

"I don't wanna go to a boring meeting" Josie replied. Nick made a puppy face.

"For me" Nick asked. Josie tried not to give in, but his sexy pouty face was no match for her.

"FINE!" Josie gave in. She went into the closet to find a dress while Nick fell onto the bed. Nick had slept on the couch while Josie in the bed. It had been weird to be back with her and he didn't want her to be uncomfotable. Josie walked in with her bra and thong on holding up a black dress and a brown skirt with a green top and a leather brown jacket.

"Which would be the best to wear?" Josie questioned.

"The bra and thong" Nick joked. Josie rolled her eyes.

"Brown skirt" Nick replied. Josie bent down and pulled on the skirt, then the shirt and finally the jacket. She quickly brushed her hair and grabbed a pair of black actress looking sunglasses. She bent over and noticed Nick checking her out.

"That wasn't obvious" Josie joked. Nick smirked.

"What wasn't obvious? I didn't do anything" Nick argued. Josie walked over to him and pressed her warm lips onto his. Nick let his hands slide to her back while he pulled her close. Brian knocking on the door made Josie pull away. Josie stared at him.

"If you want something, Just go and get it" Josie exclaimed walking towards the door. Nick ran after her.

"I love your choice of lipstick" AJ joked. Nick looked at the mirror in the limo and blushed. He grabbed a napkin and tried to get the flaming red lipstick off his lips.

"So you and Josie screw yet?" AJ asked. Nick looked up.

"Its making love AJ, not screwing" Kevin commented. AJ smirked.

"You and Josie make love yet?" AJ questioned.

"No, I don't think she wants to" Nick replied.

"Oh please-She wants you, You can tell just by the way she looks at you" AJ exclaimed. "She wants you to take her into McDonald's and give it to her in the bathroom"

"Right, AJ, No offense, But you have serious problems" Nick joked.

"Whatever Nick-She just wants you Ok-Does she not give you any signs?" AJ questioned.

"Well, today she was walking around in her bra and a thong" Nick explained.

"Did ya take pictures?" Brian joked.

"Oh yea Frick, I have the roll in my pocket" Nick replied sarcastically. Brian laughed.

"Do you think they have a 1 hour photo shop around somewhere?" Brian joked. Nick stuck his tounge out. It was childish, he knew, but he didn't care.

"Don't you use that tounge with me young man!" Brian mocked his mother in a high voice.

"Yea, save it for Josie" AJ joked. Nick rolled his eyes.

"I can never tell you freaks anything" Nick replied.

"Yea you can Nick-What else has she done?" Howie questioned.

"She told me to go for something I want" Nick exclaimed.

"See! That's women language for 'Give it to me now' Trust me on this" AJ explained.

"I guess" Nick replied as they drove up to the building.

Meanwhile, the girls were in a limo behind the guys. Brian's new girlfriend Taylor sat next to Josie. She hadn't said a word the whole time. Josie never liked quiet people, she always thought they were sceaming something. Josie nodded off the idea and listened back into the girls conversation.

"Now that the guys have been out of the business Nsync has practically taken over-Its sucks" Amanda explained. Amanda notced Josie's quietness.

"So you and Nick done anything yet?" Amanda asked.

"Um...None of your business" Josie replied.

"Well, Thats a yes" Kristin Richardson joked. Josie laughed.

"I don't think he wants to" Josie sighed. Amanda laughed.

"Josie, we're talking about a guy with a Penis-He wants to" Amanda joked.

"Yea, You know what they say, God gave man a penis and a brain-Too bad he only gave them enough blood to use one at a time" Kristin joked. Josie rolled her eyes. She looked over at Taylor who was just eyeing Josie. It gave Josie a chill down her back and she was happy to feel the car stop.

Nick and Josie sat in their room watching 'Runaway Bride'. Josie had noticed Nick looking at her, trying to pull her in to kiss him, but she wanted to watch the movie. Nick sighed. When the credits started to roll Josie stood up.

"I'm kind of tired" Josie exclaimed walking to the bedroom. Before she got to the bed there was a knock at the door. Since Nick didn't move, Josie want to open it.

"Hey Josie, Me and Amanda are going to McDonald's-You and Nick want to come?" AJ asked. AJ and Nick exchanged glances and they both got smiles on their faces.

"I'm tired-You wanna go Nick?" Josie asked.

"Nah" Nick replied.

"Are you guys sure? I heard they had nice bathroom's at McDonalds" AJ explained with a hint of sarcasum in his voice. Nick and AJ started to laugh. Josie shrugged.

"Night guys" Josie exclaimed walking away from the door. She walked over to bed and slid off her jeans and shirt. She walked over to Nick's closet and grabbed one of his t-shirts. She pulled off her bra and then slid into bed. She could hear AJ and Nick talking quietly by the door but didn't go and see what about.

"Just go in the bedroom, slide under the covers and see what happens" AJ instructed.

"I dunno" Nick replied. AJ heard Amanda call him.

"You do it, She wants you, Would I lie?" AJ asked. Before Nick could answer AJ cut him off "Don't answer that-Just believe me"

"I guess" Nick replied, shutting the door. He walked over to the bed and pulled off his khakis, then his shirt and slid into bed with Josie. She moved over and put her head on his chest, wrapping her arms around his chest. Nick leaned down and kissed the top of her head, hoping she'd turn her face towards his. She moved her head up and kissed his warm lips. Nick slid his hands under her shoulders and she moved and straddled him. Nick slid his hands under her shirt and started to pull it off.

"Are you ready? We haven't done this in awhile" Nick questioned. Josie bit her lip and thought for a moment.

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