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Josie jumped into a yellow taxi and headed towards the double tree hotel. Nick had been in New York to promote the guys new CD. They had spent the day at TRL and now he would be at the hotel. He had practically asked her to come to meet him when she’d acted like someone from the pet store on the phone with Nick.

“Where to?” The taxi driver asked.

“Double Tree Hotel” Josie replied. The taxi driver left the curb and started to drive away. Josie had found a cute little apartment with a 20 year old women named Kim. Kim had the same likes as her-plus Kim liked the BSB more than Josie.

“10.50” The taxi driver exclaimed, stopping Josie’s train of thought. She jumped outta the taxi and gave the driver his money.

“There’s No Nick Carter” The receptionist exclaimed.

“Are you sure?” Josie asked.

“I’m positive” She muttered. Josie sighed.

“Listen, I’m suppose to meet him and…” Josie started.

“Listen, You’re the 200th person today that has an “appointment” with Nick Carter. He isn’t here and you don’t know him” the women snapped. Josie opened her purse and took out some pictures of her and Nick.

“I was his girlfriend for awhile until I went and screwed Eminem. Now we’re broken up and I still like him. I love him and I’m not going to leave until you tell me what room he’s in” Josie exclaimed. The women observed the pictures. A guy came up next to Josie at the desk.

“Any messages?” He asked. He was tall and was wearing a hat that covered his face.

“No” The women replied. The man from the desk walked away. Josie snatched her pictures back from the women and sighed.

“Nevermind-forget it” Josie exclaimed. She left the front desk and followed the guy to the elevator. She stepped in with the guy and sighed.

“10th floor please” Josie exclaimed. The guy hit the button and laid back on the elevator wall. Josie stared at him until he looked over at her.

“You have a problem?” The guy snapped. Josie noticed it wasn’t Nick.

“No” Josie muttered. The doors opened to the guys’ floor and he stepped out. Josie leaned back against the wall and closed her eyes. When it got to the 7th floor the doors popped open. A guy jumped into the elevator and looked over at Josie. She still had her eyes closed. She felt stupid for even coming to the hotel and looking for Nick. She felt stupid for even going out with Nick. She felt pathetic for still wanting him, to feel his cheek against hers when he hadn’t shaved and the prickles massaged her face. She sighed, she was gonna give up.

“It’s not worth it” Josie exclaimed out loud.

“Josie?” Nick’s voice asked. Josie opened her eyes and swallowed hard. She hadn’t even looked at the guy who’d gotten into the elevator.

“Nick? What are you doing here?” Josie asked.

“I’m in New York for the new CD promo. Why are you here? At the hotel I mean” Nick asked.

“I’m here visiting my friend” Josie lied.

“Oh, that’s cool” Nick replied. He looked her over and smiled. “You look good”

“You look good too” Josie replied. She was resisting the urge to jump his bones right in the elevator. The dreaded beep rang out from the elevator; indicating Josie was getting off. Nick wrote his number down on a piece of paper quickly and handed it to Josie.

“Call me sometime” Nick exclaimed. Josie turned around and watched as the doors closed. She just stood there for a few minutes trying to remember everything that happened and not forget anything.

“So did you see him?” Kim questioned.

“Only for a few minutes” Josie mumbled.

“You know what, I thought only guys could be pussy whipped, but your so whipped” Kim commented.

“What is that suppose to mean?” Josie asked.

“You, like millions of other women, are infatuated with Nick Carter. Everything he does, turns you on and you can never be mad at him, but god knows you want to be sometimes. With every word he says you smile and everything he says you remember word for word. You’re like an obsessed fan...except you actually got some from Carter” Kim explained. Josie was going to omit, but it was the truth.

“How do you know?” Josie asked.

“Because Josie, not only big famous stars can make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I had this huge crush in Brad Morgan, The quaterback on the football team. We went to Sadie Hawkins together and 2 days later after the dance he started to go out with Amber Ling. She was a cheerleader and I was screwed over. He called me to tell me and I cried all night. The next day he seemed so sad and I forgave him. We were just friend from then on, not saying I didn’t want more, but he just wanted to be friends” Kim explained. Josie was quiet.

“That sucks” Josie commented.

“But life went on Josie. It always does” Kim commented.

“Does it Kim? I don’t think so. I can’t stop thinking about him and I’m so close I can’t bear to loose him” Josie replied.

“Listen, just try to be in Nick’s shoes. Pretend you were me. It sucks to be the one that gets screwed by someone else. It hurts and you might think you feel the pain, but Nick had to deal with it. So, my advice is just to be friends with him. If that doesn’t work out, you can’t be b/f and g/f again” Kim explained. Josie sighed.

“I hate when other people are right” Josie muttered. She dialed Nick’s number and held the phone close to her face.

“hello?” Nick asked.

“Hey Nick, It’s Josie” Josie started.

“Josie-Hey! What’s up?” Nick asked.

“You wanna go get some coffee or something? I know this place real close to your hotel” Josie explained. Nick considered it for a second.

“How’s 8 sound?” Nick asked.

“Great” Josie replied, trying to stop from screaming. .

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