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Josie sat in the guys’ hotel room in Detroit, Michigan. After Britney’s wedding, they flew to Michigan, Did their concert and now they were sitting in their hotel room. It was 10:30pm and AJ and Josie were sitting at the kitchen counter eating Drumstick Ice Cream.

“This stuff is good” Josie exclaimed placing another spoonful of ice cream in her mouth.

“I think it sucks” AJ replied. They had gone down to the lobby to get some cool things. Josie grabbed a pint of Ice Cream and AJ grabbed some balloons. Why? Josie had no idea.

“This is the best ice cream!” Josie argued. AJ took a spoonful and offered it to her.

“Want mine?” AJ asked.

“Not after you touched it, I don’t know where those fingers have been, or, who they’ve been in for that matter” Josie joked. AJ smirked.

“Funny Funny” He replied. AJ grabbed the top of the spoon and shot it over to Josie’s face.

“You ass!” Josie screamed. Everyone else had decided to stay at the venue a little bit longer while, Josie and AJ had wanted to go back to the hotel.

“I’m an ass?” AJ questioned. Josie put her hand in her Ice Cream and flung it at AJ. It hit him in the forehead hard. AJ picked up his bowl of Ice Cream and started to walk towards Josie. She gave AJ a look.

“You wouldn’t” Josie exclaimed.

“Josie honey, You don’t know me well if you don’t think I would” AJ exclaimed. Josie heard the front door open so she took off toward it. Brian and Nick exchanged glances as they saw Josie running at them.

“Help” Josie yelled. She ran behind Nick as AJ came around the corner, seeing everyone give him glances.

“Well, Well, what were you 2 doing?” Amanda questioned. Josie poked her head from behind Nick and walked up to AJ, smirking, knowing he wouldn’t hit her with the ice cream now that everyone was there.

“AJ hit me with Ice Cream” Josie replied. AJ turned to her and placed the bowl on top of her head. Josie screamed as the cold Ice Cream ran down her face.

“AJ” Josie cried. She ran to the bathroom to get it out of her hair.

“Josie?” AJ questioned, standing outside the bathroom door. She had been yelling swears through the door at him for about 15 minutes. AJ walked into the living room and plopped on the couch with Nick.

“Man, you go get her out” AJ muttered.

“Fuck you, I’m not going over there, she’ll bite my head off” Nick replied.

“Would that be so bad?” AJ questioned, moving his eyebrows up and down. Amanda was sitting on the floor with Leighanne and Brian; playing twister.

“AJ, You’re a pig” Amanda snapped.

“But you like me being a pig” AJ replied.

“Right hand blue” Nick announced. “Anyway, Josie’s a virgin and I totally respect that”

“What?” Leighanne questioned, sliding to the ground. “She is?”

“Oh shit” Nick exclaimed, knowing that he let a secret out, like he usually did. “You guys didn’t know?”

“No, we didn’t know” AJ replied. Josie came out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel. AJ smiled at her.

“What?” Josie snapped.

“Oh nothing” AJ replied. Josie made a face at him and started to walk towards her room. “You know, you looked very sexy covered in cream”

“I do? Thanks so much for the compliment” Josie replied, giving him the finger. AJ smirked, watching her go into her room.

“Would you stop flirting with Josie?” Amanda asked.

“Me?” AJ questioned.

“No me” Leighanne joked. “I’m a lesbian, didn’t you guys know?”

“I’m not flirting with her, I’m just being myself, you guys know me, fun loving AJ” AJ replied. “Besides, I never steal anybody else’s women”

“I’m going to play some ball,” Nick exclaimed, walking towards the door.

Josie checked the clock, It was midnight and she wasn’t tired one bit. She got out of bed and walked into the living, not surprised to see everyone up.

“Hey” Josie exclaimed.

“Hey girl” Amanda replied. Josie sat on the couch next to Brian and yawned.

“What are you guys doing?” Josie asked.

“We’re watching Scary Movie” Leighanne replied. (NOTE: Remember it’s 2001 so it’s on video)

“Oh, I always wanted to see it” Josie replied. Brian laughed as the credits rolled by.

“Well, you missed it, We started to watch it in the limo on the way over here, so we only had like an

hour left” Brian replied. Josie glanced over at AJ and Amanda; who were talking quietly.

“Where’s Nick?” Josie questioned.

“He went to let off steam” Brian replied.

“Why?” Josie asked.

“He always gets mad at little things” Leighanne replied quickly.

“Oh” Josie mumbled. She stood up and walked over to the kitchen counter, noticing the balloons AJ had bought in the lobby.

“Why did you buy these AJ?” Josie questioned, holding them up. AJ glanced up and smiled.

“To have a water balloon fight, I forgot about those” AJ exclaimed.

“Its midnight” Josie replied as AJ walked towards him.

“We always have water balloon fights and squirt gun fights, fun stuff” AJ replied. Leighanne, Brian and Amanda walked over to the kitchen too.

“In here?” Josie asked. Amanda laughed.

“No actually, we call the bellboy up and he usually gives us the keys to the roof” Amanda replied. “You want to do it?”

“Sure” Josie replied.

“NICK!” Josie screamed as they walked into the lobby. Nick turned around and smiled. She ran from the group over to him.

“Where did you go?” Josie asked.

“To the b-ball courts down the road, There were some guys playing so I played with them” He replied. Josie leaned over.

“You smell like it” Josie replied, scrunching up her nose.

“What are you guys doing?” Nick asked.

“UM, water balloon fight on the roof I guess” Josie replied. Nick smirked.

“Well, I’ll be up in like 3 minutes, I have to change” Nick replied. “Want to come up with me?”

“Nah, I’d better stay down here, but you better come up” Josie replied. She gave him a quick peck on the lips and walked away from him.

“NICK!” Josie yelled as the red balloon crashed down on her. They were running around on the roof like 5-year-olds. They each had 3 balloons and once you got hit, you had to give up the balloons to the person that hit you. Josie handed hers to Nick and followed him around while he went looking for AJ and Brian. All the girls had gotten out in the first minute. Josie looked down and remembered she was wearing her white pajamas; you could totally see through them.

“Screw it” Josie mumbled. Nick turned around at looked at her.

“What did you say?” Nick asked. Brian came up behind Nick and got him in the head.

“Gotcha!” Brian yelled. Nick gave Brian the one balloon he had left and walked over to the side of the building. Josie walked over with him and sat next to Nick.

“What’s bothering you?” Josie asked. Nick looked over at her. Her hair was stuck to her face and her shirt was stuck tight to her body. Nick adjusted his pants and smiled at her.

“I sort of told everyone you were a virgin, It just kind of slipped it” Nick exclaimed. Josie smirked.

“You think I would be mad?” Josie asked surprised.

“Well, yeah” Nick replied.

“It’s not like I’m waiting for marriage, I just haven’t found anyone I loved enough to give it up to” Josie replied. Nick looked over at her. He leaned down and kissed her, letting his lips press roughly against hers.

“Yo Nick” AJ yelled. Nick pulled away and turned towards AJ.

“What?” Nick snapped.

“We’re going down, unless you want to be locked up here, you guys should come too” AJ explained. Nick stood up and squeezed Josie’s hand as they walked downstairs.

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