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Meet Our Barbet

ARBA A1 Champion Iwan des Canailles de Verbaux

This is a picture of Iwan taken on his first Christmas in America. As Iwan is a pretty serious fellow, I think the santa cap wasn't as big of a thrill for him as it was for us.

Iwan is the first of the Barbet breed to come here to the states. We didn't know what to expect of the breed since there were none here at the time. After Iwan joined our family we found it was love at first "meet".

Although Iwan has his "championship" he is retired from the show circuit. He prefers to stay at home and just be loved.

Meet Lily of the Water du Pre Leveque

Lily is our resident "showgirl". She loves the crowds, applause, and cheers of an audience. Although she has not gotten her championship yet, she won Best in Show at a World Wide Kennel Club show we attended.

Lily came to live with us a few months after our son was born and the two of them are the best of friends.

For a little background information about the Barbet breed, one thing which is important to know is that they are very rare. Although they arrive yearly, there are presently only nine in the states right now.

This is a very intelligent breed, non-shedding, easily trained and very eager to please and be part of a family. I think I can say in all honesty that upon meeting a Barbet, you will fall in love with the breed.

The Barbet is a very old French Breed, ancestor of numerous modern breeds, such as the Poodle, the sheepdog from Brie, France, the Griffon, the Newfoundland and other water dogs. He is in fact a water dog, traditionally used as a hunter's assistant or as a sailor's companion for fetching at sea. The female gave her name to the cannon posted in the past on the bow of ships: the Barbette.

The Barbet was used as a shepherd dog as well as for driving flocks and as a companion dog. It is probably the most multi-purpose breed of our day.

In 1994, coinciding with the arrival of the first Barbet here, the Barbet Club of America was formed. The goal of the Club is for the promotion of the breed, selective breeding of purebred Barbet, emphasis on conformation, temperament, intelligence and hunting ability.

If you would like more information on the Barbet or the Club click here

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Thank you HarborWinds Newfoundlands for this Award.
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Barbet Websites
[Le Barbet] [Barbet Club of America]
[Newton] [Histories De Barbets]

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Last updated 2/17/02
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