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A Rugger's Life

My name is Aubria Williams and I am in my 5th year at Elon University, and SO ready to Graduate. I went to boarding school in Switzerland (LAS represent!) for 2 and a half years and graduated with some of the best friends ever. Prior to that I went to Scituate High for a semester in Massachusetts. I am originally from Torrance, CA.

I played rugby here at Elon for 4 years, but due to back injury i cant play anymore. But i LOVE the sport and would give almost anything to play again.

I am a member of Alpha Phi Omega- a national service fraternity (yes that makes me a brother!) and i love to do community service and help others. My untlimate goal in life is to work in a nonprofit organization or in some form of Social Services area. Through this organization i have met some of the best people both at Elon and at other Chapters across the country. Including my current girlfriend, Candice.

I am moving to Louisville, KY when I graduate to live with Candice and I hope to be involved with APO on some level as well.

days until I Graduate!

About Me

High School APO Rugby

Favorite Quotes Photos

Things I have Written

keep up with friends from high school and college
find new friends where ever you go
Milk and Cereal- so funny
End of the World- so funny
miniture earth- think about it