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Military Explorer Program

Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin

1/120th Green Dragons WICWR

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Thank you for your interest in this exiting program!

The Military Explorers Program (MEP), formerly the Wisconsin Army National Guard Cadet Program, is a branch of the Boy Scouts of America's Explorers program through whom we receive our charter. We work closely with members of the Wisconsin Army National Guard and the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW). Even though our charter is through the Boy Scouts of America the MEP is a coed program. The program has been in operation in the Wisconsin Rapids area for over 10 years.

The program is open to young men and women ages 14 - 20. Upon the cadets 21st birthday they may not continue as a cadet but rather they can become adult advisers in the program and join the programs officer ranks.

The MEP works hard to instill the Seven Core Army Values in it's participants as well as working to instill morals and build well as self-esteem, self-confidence, team spirit, responsibility, and discipline. The more the individual puts into the program, the more they get out of it personally. The Seven Core Army Values are:







Personal Courage

Participants in the program will find themselves wearing BDU's (Battle Dress Uniform), the previous uniform of the U.S. Army (after which the program is modeled), U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Navy, and U.S. Air Force. They will also find themselves taking part in Field Training Exercises (FTX's) of various sorts which can include ruck marches, such as our trip in the fall of 2006 to Iola, WI, or combined training weekends with other explorer units around the state of Wisconsin and the Midwest. They will also find themselves eating MRE's (Meals Ready to Eat). They will be instructed in military science classes and learn many of the same things that Army recruits learn in Basic Combat Training (BCT). Through all of these various experiences, the cadet will begin at C/PVT-E1 and will advance themselves in the enlisted rank structure.

If you have read this far and are still interested you may be asking yourself a few questions. The biggest one is no doubt, "I'm a parent and my child is interested, but I don't support the idea of my child actually joining the military." Well this is no problem at all as the cadet program in no way, shape, or form requires or asks participants to enlist in the military. To restate: There is absolutely NO military requirement in the MEP! You might notice that this wonderfully unrestrictive policy does not mean that participants do not join the armed services. Many participants, upon their 18th birthdays and consultation with parents, peers, and others, decide that military service is for them. If they do decide to join, the MEP puts the individual miles ahead of other recruits when they go to their basic training.

The Programs officers are the adult advisers of the unit. They are registered with the Boy Scouts of America and undergo stringent background checks as well as training. Officers may join with no military background and receive special officer candidate training, or they may come into the program as prior military service members. Officers may also be former cadets who, upon their 21st birthday, wish to continue in the program. Since the MEP is a coed program it is required by our charter that an adult adviser of the same gender of the cadet must be present at any function. In other words if there are both female and male cadets then there MUST be both female and male officers present.

This site is designed for the Wisconsin Rapids, WI (WICWR) unit of the MEP. We may be able to provide you with information on other units near you or we may be able to assist you in organizing a unit of your own in your hometown.

If you have any questions about the program ranging from more information about training and standards to requesting information on how your son or daughter can join the program, please feel free to e-mail us at the following addresses:

1/120th Green Dragons:

MAJ Dale Bowden, Battalion Commander:

CPT Andrew Kirkpatrick, Commander:

This website is under construction after years of inactivity. Please bear with us as update are made. Until then you may take a look at our MySpace page.