Amityville 3-D Box

John Baxter (Tony Roberts, the other Ron Perlman) is a reporter with a decidedly skeptical outlook. In a rather amusing first scene, Baxter and his spunky photographer Melanie (Candy Clark) expose some con artists using the mystique of the Amityville house to run a "contact your dead relatives" seance scam. Baxter then strikes up a conversation with the house's real estate agent, and pretty soon Baxter has bought the house for a deep discount.

Baxter is sure that the whole curse thing is bunk, even though he did find a bottomless Hell pit in the basement. He announces to his ex-wife Nancy (Tess Harper, who is scary in any dimension) and his daughter Susan (Lori Loughlin) that he's going to move in. Susan even picks the room with the creepy eye-like windows as her own when she visits dear old Dad. But darn it all, wouldn't you know it, weird things start happening.  


Directed by: Richard Fleischer
Starring: Tony Roberts, Tess Harper, Robert Joy, Candy Clark, Lori Loughlin, Meg Ryan
Year: 1983
Rating: PG

Im not a big fan of haunted house movies or ghost movies but there are some that I like. This is not one of them. Even though the 3d effects were taken out, you can deffinatly tell where they used to be. It's pretty bad because it's so obvious. I actually caught myself nodding off during this movie, it actually picked up at the end but was ridiculously corny. For some reason, during the whole movie random people go to this scientist doctor or something for advice, and finally he agrees to take his "team" to the house, and shit hit the fan but not hard enough. Try again.
-Monkey Shit