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Innocent as Doves Newsletter
Matt. 10:16
Vol 1
A Monthly Publication by France Aprahamian
All items in this newsletter are copyrighted by me,presently,
please do not reprint unless you have my express permission.
This edition includes:

I. Introduction
II. Newsletter information
III. Home Schooling Corner
IV. Life, Liberty, Property
V. Life is a Test, Editor's Column
VI. Scripture
VII. Where's the Love Column
VIII. Famous Quote

This newsletter is associated with the Inspired by Love website
Our goal is to uplift, entertain (a bit),demonstrate through interesting opinions, links, scripture, and poems etc.,that further prove God is very much alive and in control of life on planet earth. Where there is God there is hope.
Home Schooling Corner
Home Schooling isn't for everyone, but for those who are interested check out the internet for great links and information.
Home-ed magazine answers frequently asked questions regarding homeschooling, here is their link:
Other Informative Links:
Home School Legal Defense Association
Become a Homeschool Product Tester
Jon's Homeschooling Resources
Great Link #1 Kent Hovind's Creation Science Site

Life, Liberty, Property
compiled by France Aprahamian


Life is a Test
Editors Corner
I always walking around saying, "Life is a Test". But what is life really all about? And for heavensakes, what does it have to do with testing, you may wonder? We all know that a test is a way to reveal if a particular principle has be learned. And going on that assumption, then Life is a classroom. The fact is we are always learning, when we are aware of it and when we are not. Daily we are bombarded with information, especially me since am a an information junkie, but the average Joe receives millions of pieces of knowledge every hour. But, what does all this have to do with testing? Even if you do not believe in a creator, you do believe that somehow you were formed, right? Now the one who formed you will want an account of how you spent your time, resources, and talents, it's just logical. ************************************************************

New EBook available to download,
Notes from a Life by Eden Allen
Visit Inspirational Place
for more information.

Great link #2 See Beyond the Obvious

Scripture:Isaiah 55:11
"So shall MY word be which goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire" ************************************************************

Where's the Love?
Editor's Column
open to comments and suggestions
The "church" is the body of Christ, according to scripture. So why can't we get along? Even more urgent why do we not attempt to fulfill our constituional destiny which in itself is scriptural. Many may wonder, what is she talking about? Well I will be plain spoken, the church should be doing many things the government has decided to do. Such as: feeding those in genuine need, clothing the orphans and housing them, of course we should be decerning about where we spend our resources. But the "church" of God has become a "social club" I will not stand down from that opinion. I watch Christian TV and Christians are all willing to be entertained at the "church house" but afterward they go about their business as if nothing has occurred at the place of meeting. In other words, there is no change of heart, no plan to advance God's cause, just a good laugh at the witty pastors who weave a good tale. Sometimes even that is more man then God

Church meetings are not a place to recieve as much as a place to learn to give out to those in need by doing. We should take a chance and preach the gospel and fulfill the Great Commission by meeting the needs of our neighbors those who are not saved as well as those who are. You cannot tell if a person is saved just by looking at them, you need to actually have a conversation and even that could come on a day when they are just short on patience.

Love is more than a verb, it is a way of life, for God and it should be for us. As my hubby is fond of saying, "care can be interchanged with the word love." I say, "caring is about giving."

Now some may say, "I do not know how to help others." My suggestion is to be bold enough to ask your pastor, "Why doesn't our church reach out to the community?" Unfortunately he may brush you off or refer you to someone to give money for some building project or something that will only affect your congregation or maybe his popularity. But, Great, if he seems interested, don't lose his attention. Have a list of ideas handy. Nothing can change without effort. Don't be a pew sitter, be an active member of the "body" and make God proud. The bible says the people perish for lack of vision.

Some suggestions:
Go door to door inviting people to pre-planned gatherings, NOT to promote your church but to promote the love of God. (Tips) Take this time to get to know those in your area, without judging whether or not they go to church or whether or not they are saved. Word travel fast good and bad.
Get with other parents and take turns being the one available to talk to teens about issues that concern them. (Tips) Non judgemental listening, because if they don't talk to you they will find someone else to listen and perhaps lead them astray.
Come together with other families to make a list of those without jobs, be available to offer clothing, shelter and financial advice to them. (Tips) Make sure if at all possible, that the need is genuine, though unfortunately you could still get taken advantage of, but do not judge on basis of race, or religion if at all possible.
Suggest a home bible study, many people feel hypocritical attending service since they rarely attend. Meeting at a home can break barriers and that is how the original believers met.

More Tips:
Don't talk down to unbelievers.
Always smile, it helps to break barriers.
Make eye contact when speaking to someone.
Don't feel like you must have the last word, let God work through you knowing he will have the final word.

I am looking to have email interviews with those who are willing to talk regarding lack of Love in the "church." Email Me


Great Link #3 Christian Book

Famous Quote:
"Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [i.e., securing inherent and inalienable rights, with powers derived from the consent of the governed], it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. " --Thomas Jefferson: Declaration of Independence, 1776. ME 1:29, Papers 1:315
