© The School of Truth
Source p. 338, Dec 2007 / Jan 2008 - The Path of Truth

I think most of us have a favourite Psalm, one that says something to us, and mine is the Ninety-first which begins with "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty."

Let us explore the meaning of "the secret place". It is a place which is not obvious. It is hidden so that it is not seen or understood by everyone. It is not a material place, so it must be spiritual but we can dwell in it. Then it surely is God-consciousness. God, being omnipresent, we can all dwell in it and also it is within us.

Another passage of the Bible tells us "enter into your room and shut the door then pray to your Father which is in secret". So we have to shut out all thoughts of exterior and temporal things, and, instead think of God and His perfection in order to enter the silence and contact God-consciousness. And in omnipresence we can contact those who are also receptive to God-consciousness.

Having reached this understanding of the secret place, we find that it applies throughout the Psalm and gives promise of guidance and protection in all circumstances, but it is no use just reading it through or even memorizing it. It has to be realized and lived day by day. We make it our habitation.

God-consciousness is a refuge from wrong thinking. It will deliver us from false beliefs and lead us into Truth. If the conditions under which we live or work are unsatisfactory, surely He shall deliver you when we realize the omnipotence, the infinite power of God-consciouisness.

There will be no more fear or anxiety, either for ourselves or for others. We shall not go crossing bridges before we come to them, but will trust. We shall be able to face life boldly, trusting in omniscience, our all knowing Father.

Enlightenment will take the place of our groping along life's highways and byways. Only with our physical eyes shall we see death and destruction, knowing that, in Truth, life eternal, and this realization will give strength and protection.

Let us go back to the first verse again. What is this "shadow" of the Almighty? It is the shade, the protection, of a mighty mind, a pure all-knowing Intelligence which is always with us. By this intelligence we perceive there is a Spiritual Presence and an Infinite Mind in the Universe, and upon our receptivity to it depends its flow through us.

The promises are not for those who neglect God when things go right and who only seek Him when they are in trouble. We have to abide in His word and take refuge in it, keeping calm and rested and becoming one with the same Truth as was possessed by the inspired writer of the Psalm. Thus we enter into the secret place and are at peace.

- A Student.

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