Nicol C. Campbell
© The School of Truth
Source p. 69, Apr / May 2008 - The Path of Truth

Despite the fact that Easter heralds the autumn here in South Africa, to me it has always been a time of re-birth, of inspiration. I became conscious of a keener sense of purpose and direction, of new courage. Somehow my life starts anew in this month, but there are always fresh challenges ahead. Just as with the tides, the ebb and flow of life is unending. It seems as if God withdraws Himself in one great inhalation before exhaling again and I have to turn deep within my soul to feel his Presence, to become renewed and revitalized before venturing forth once more. Life is a recurrent cycle and we are all subject to this ebb and flow, which includes all nature and seasons.

Indeed, it is during their individual ebb that people turn to Truth to seek comfort and confidence in the future. However, many hold the erroneous idea that once they have placed their name on our prayer list and filled in a Membership Card their troubles are over. But this is not so; unless you, in faith hand over the problem to God. Life is a school; we graduate from kindergarten to university. We reach a certain point in understanding and ask ourselves: 'Is this the furthest I can go?' Yet we know intuitively that we have to go on growing, expanding, developing. We finish one cycle of action only to know that another and higher lies ahead, for life is not static; it is forever unfolding.

When I review my life in retrospect over the last five decades, I recall my first step along the Path of Truth so many years ago. It happened over Easter time, I had of course, already outgrown the old dogmas and no longer believed in God as a God of wrath, but as a God of Love who ruled by Law; that we are not punished for our sins but by them. Could I then take my courage in both hands and apply fully the Truth as I saw it? That was the question. I investigated the possibilities. I asked others, some in positions of influence in their respective fields, and on all sides I found doubt and limitation. Apparently there were things which God could not do. I was assured that to start what I had in mind would require friends in court, men of influential circles. I would have to play up to people, depend on their backing and patronage. It was disconcerting and I could not accept their assessment. Was I to cultivate people, so-called friends, merely for the sake of using them to further my own ends?

I made my decision. It is a decision which I have never regretted. I wanted, indeed I needed, a companion, an advisor who was steadfast and reliable, consistent beyond all human vacillation, a Presence unfailing and ever with me. I have fallen back often, of course, like all of you. I have wilted under the pressures of adverse circumstances, but in the silence of meditation have again and again found the Hand of God guiding, inspiring and supporting me.

We in The School of Truth have endeavoured to set the example to others who follow the teaching; to help you to understand that all is governed by Law and that the Law is unchanging and unfailing. The only time I become discouraged is when I hear students, who have a measure of understanding and intelligence, complain that the going is too tough when so much hangs in the balance. Could a mathematician solve a mathematical problem if he were prepared to add, divide and subtract, but refused to multiply because he found it too difficult? Would you blame me if I confessed that at times I have wondered if being a guinea-pig in the interests of Truth has been worthwhile? However, if after four decades I have helped only a hundred people to find the Path that leads to God-consciousness, it will not have been in vain.

In this, what may be considered the winter of my life, I cannot retire. I dare not lay down arms, as it were, and say: "Enough!" God does not rest. Greater spiritual awareness lies ahead with all its many blessings and rewards for services rendered. You may ask: 'Is it worthwhile?' If one has a puny body and weighs only 50kg is it worthwhile, by dint of determination and exercise, to develop one's body into a muscular, athletic one of 85kg? Of course it is! It was painful while it lasted, of course. All growing pains are unpleasant, but the end results are beautiful to behold. I am always happy to see young people at the lectures because they have so much time ahead of them, so much to learn and practice. I started when I was young and I started with nothing; no mentors or backers; just the consciousness of the Presence and when I consider the many blessings that have manifested in my life, I know that it has all been more than just worthwhile. Furthermore, the consciousness of the Presence is for all to seek and find. It gives one understanding, courage, and an inner knowing which leads to freedom, so: "Take up your cross (the problems that weigh you down) and follow Me. My yolk is easy and my burden is light."

It was in 1935 at the Rand Women's Club that I was first persuaded to read to a group of some 50 to 60 people. Being young and self-conscious I was too shy to stand up and address them, so I sat down and read to them. Much to my surprise I was invited to read to them again a week later, and that is how The School of Truth came into being.

I still face all the challenges that have presented themselves down through the years, all the old problems, intensified because of our expansion, but I have ever been aware of God's Presence within me, constituting me, and I have not failed or faltered, because He is my Guide, my Companion and the Source of our supply. Were I to make my exit from the stage of life right now I could claim that everything that has been accomplished over all these long years has been the work of God, that of mine own self I have done nothing. Nevertheless, one must not be too humble, which is probably worse than having a superiority complex. I have worked with God, for God. I have accepted the challenges, withstood the sneers of others, ignored the well-meant warnings of friends and advisors and proceeded along the Path of Truth. What The School of Truth is today God has accomplished through me, for me and through you all, for you all.

Standing here, this Easter Sunday, I know that it has all been worthwhile. Whatever problems lie ahead God will resolve. It is only because we do not believe that some things cannot be resolved that they remain with us. Accept God, not only as your Companion, but as your Employer also and no one will be able to interpose between you and your good. Of course it needs courage. Courage to withstand the taunts and jeers of the intolerant; to be regarded as 'peculiar' by those who do not understand, but would you not rather be 'peculiar' and enjoy the fruits of your convictions than subscribe to empty dogmas, creeds and rituals? When His disciples asked Him concerning the teaching of the learned Rabbis of the day, the Christ said in effect: do as they say but do not do as they do. Do not become as the Pharisees who like to carry their religion into the market place so that all may see. Go into the inner chamber of your soul and talk to the Father in secret, and the Father who hears in secret will reward you openly. Therein lies one of the secrets of Truth. 'Go and tell no man.'

Not a soul in the world knows what is contained in my own consciousness, or what I intend doing today or tomorrow, or in the future. This is like the conservation of energy; the more you retain the more you have to expend. Thought, feeling, action. That is the sequence of operation which stems from the inner consciousness, but many think that by going to church on Sundays or coming to these lectures they are fulfilling the Law, that they are practicing Truth. This is not so. Sermons and lectures are but forms of instruction on the application of Truth. The realization of it is in action. We must be doers of the Word. Faith, being alone, is dead, said the apostle James, and added: 'Faith without works is dead'. Once you determine to act you will find yourself guided, guarded and inspired. Naturally there will be times when appearances will threaten to daunt you. Your attention may be directed towards those who employ you, to their talk concerning the present economic climate and you may begin to fear for your job, but I assure you that if you place all your faith in the Father, if you cleanse your mind and heart of all hatred, resentment and have goodwill towards all men you will be directed and sustained by the Spiritual Presence, which is ever with you only awaiting your recognition.

All over the world on this day people are celebrating the resurrection of the Christ, without fully understanding the true significance of it all. 'He is risen'. They are singing, and this applies to the Christ Spirit within man as well. Man rising out of the darkness of materiality into the Light of Spirit; from fear to faith, from ignorance to understanding, from hatred to Love. 'Fear not, little flock, I have overcome the world.' Yes, this is the message of hope. It is the voice of God speaking to all those who have ears, the 'still small voice' of the Christ enshrined within every human heart.

We must worship in spirit and in truth so that all sorrow and sighing may pass from the earth, as surely it will when man arises and goes unto the Father. Then and only then will Easter and all it represents fulfill the purpose for which it was instituted.

'We pray and receive not, because we pray amiss,' says the Book. We pray amiss when we fail to worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth. God IS Spirit and the spirit of your praying is indicated by your attitude. We are told that 'all I have is thine,' that 'I am ever with thee.' Take it! Claim it! As you Think and Feel positively so does the Good become manifest in your life. Become a doer of the Word - the Word which is the desire. Your awareness of God working through you and as you. Let us rejoice in this day and go forward together conscious of the Spirit welling up within us and through us to His Glory. Let us deny adverse appearances and accept only the realities of Truth. Let us know that as we are uplifted into the Light all darkness will vanish. If we are sick let us banish fear in the knowledge that the Spirit, which is health, permeates our being and all is well. Whatever our needs, let us give thanks to the Father of All who knows the innermost desires of our hearts and is able and willing to meet them. Above all, let us go forward joyously, courageously and unhesitantly proclaiming that 'I', the Spirit of God in me and in you, 'have overcome the world,' of lies and negation.

(Ref. Vol. 28, No. 4)

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