Thirty-first Day


It is only as we still our own activities guided by our own busy conceptions that we can see the activity (salvation) of Infinite Life and Law.

The Mind that is all Intelligence never makes a mistake. It is Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding.

The Mind that is all Love never fails. It is sure and steadfast.

The Mind that is all Power never flags (never slumbers nor sleeps). It is ever alert and active.

This Mind is my very own. When it acts, I act. When it decides, I decide. When it wills, I will. I am still, listening for Truth.

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I still my own opinions and judgments. I hear the Truth that ever speaks in my soul. As I hear, I obey. I find myself thinking as God, or Perfect Mind, thinks; speaking as my Source speaks; doing the work of the Father with the Father, “For it is God that worketh.”

In all I do this day Perfect Mind ever active thinks me,
moves me, lives me as part of Itself.

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Northwoods Divine Science Resource Center