Twenty-second Day


A whole body God accepts, and nothing less. The animal sacrificed of old must be without spot or blemish.

I now know sacrifice in its true meaning, making sacred, and only the spotless and perfect can be offered as sacred.

Seeing God as all, my eye is single, sees but one and my body appears to me in its true light.

I accept the sacredness of my body and present it, as it is, whole unto Truth.

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Perfect Spirit forms perfect body. One with the whole, my body is of the pure, perfect and Changeless Substance.

My body is always health for it is always what the Perfect Spirit, its Source, is.

I judge not by appearances or feelings but by Truth. By the light of understanding I see my body as health.

One Life is all. One Substance is all.
My body is perfect in Life, pure in Substance.

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Northwoods Divine Science Resource Center