Eighteenth Day


In obedience to Divine Love, our social customs would need much changing. Let us speak Truth for this and abide by it:

I will say nothing of anyone that I would not say of myself.

I will think nothing of anyone that I would not be willing to have another think of me.

I rejoice in another’s success as in my own. Truth teaches me simplicity and sincerity. I will endeavor to be this to those whom I meet.

I will be Divine Love in all my social relations.

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Perfect Love gives us a new view of all persons and things.

Through the eyes of Love, I look upon all and see all in the Light of Divine Nature.

I do not think nor speak ill, nor do I condemn, since I look at all through Love.

I meet all in sincerity and Truth. I do justice to all.

I meet all in Love this day. I give forth to all
and exprect from all, justice and genuineness.

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Northwoods Divine Science Resource Center