Sixteenth Day


There is but one family. One God is literally Father of all. All ye are brethren. We are his offspring. In Truth we find the larger Love.

I give up all inclination to selfishness and criticism, and embrace the fuller Consciousness that Love is no respecter of persons.

I love the lovely and the unlovely.

I love all as God loves, seeing only the divine in each.

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Love measures not. It gives to all men liberally.

I will love by giving my best thought to all. I will recognize in every soul the strength, purity and goodness of the Omnipresence.

I will love by speaking the kindest, most helpful words to everyone. I will look beneath the surface of things and will attribute good will and good intention to all the acts of my fellow beings.

I will love others as myself; I will think and
speak of others as of myself.

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Northwoods Divine Science Resource Center