Waldo, Tell Me About God
by Hans Wilhelm

The School of Truth
Source p. 309, Nov / Dec 2009 - The Path of Truth

"Watch," said Waldo as he picked up Michael's toy boomerang which was lying in the grass.

"What happens when I throw it?"

"It's coming back!" cried Michael. "DUCK, Waldo!"

The two friends ran as fast as they could.

"Wow, that was close," said Michael as the boomerang whizzed by.

"See what I mean, Michael? Our actions can be just like a boomerang. So can our thoughts and words. The hurt and pain that we give to others come back to us sooner or later."

"But if I've made a mistake, isn't there anything I can do about it?"

"God will help you," replied Waldo. "You can turn to Him for help."

"How?" asked Michael.

"When you are truly sorry for what you did wrong you must ask for forgiveness and try very hard not to do it again. Then God may take your pain away and fill you with His love."

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