Young Ideas
A Letter from June

© The School of Truth
Source p. 306, Nov / Dec 2009 - The Path of Truth

Hello everyone -

Let's talk about appreciation this time, shall we? How many of us are sufficiently appreciative of all the good things which God has given us... first and foremost His Love, that is within us and around us at all times.

How many of us give enough attention to the beauty of the world in which we live, to the loveliness which surrounds us on every side? How often do we pause to think of the marvel of the sun, without which neither man nor beast nor flower could exist? And our "happy care-forgetting-sleep;" do we appreciate it sufficiently to give thanks for it? Very few of us are inclined to show any appreciation of the hurdles we meet on the pathway of life. Yet we should be grateful for them, for difficulties teach us the stuff of which we are made. If we face them with courage and surmount them we are strong, and they help us to build character.

If we run away from trouble it shows that we are weak, and that we have forgotten that God's strength is our stength to use when we will, provided we have faith in Him. If we try to avoid trouble we will only find it appearing again and again until we have learnt to overcome it.

Every difficulty provides us with a lesson we have to learn, and the sooner we learn it the better it will be for us. Then let us be grateful for the tests which come to us, and let us not grumble.

And what about our parents? Probably only when we have children of our own do we truly appreciate all they have done for us, the loving care they have lavished on us, and the sacrifices they have made in order to give us the best in their power. Do we show all the affection and consideration that we should? Or do we take all they do for us as granted, giving them little in return?

Appreciation is a form of gratitude... a good form. Then let us learn to appreciate the goodness of God; the problems of life we are given to solve; and the love and devotion of parents and friends. And let us show our gratitude in some practical way.


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