A Letter from June

Hello Everyone

© The School of Truth
Source p. 21, May / Jun 2009 - The Path of Truth (Young Ideas)

Do you realize how necessary it is for us to control our minds? As we think, so we are, so mind control is most important.

Many people say: "I can't," when they should say, "I can, and with God's help I will." If we think and say we can't do a thing, we are beaten before we start. We must, of course, have faith in the thing we are trying to accomplish, as well as in our ability to do it. We must learn to think good thoughts instead of bad thoughts if we wish to attain our ends, and also if we wish to make a worthwhile contribution to life.

Why not think in terms of health, not of sickness, of joy, not of sorrow, and of plenty rathan than lack? We are told that our thoughts go out into the ether like waves, and attract similar thoughts which strengthen them, so you can realize how important it is to think correctly.

Another thing is that our thoughts can affect those around us; and something that young people should never do, is to impress the idea of old age on those who belong to an older generation.

Help them keep young in mind. Don't push older people into the background, and don't make them feel unwanted and out of date.

It may seem strange to you, but people of sixty, when they are well, don't feel very much different from the way they felt at forty, so don't thrust old age upon them, will you? To a large extent age is an attitude of mind, and people can be seventy years young, or forty years old.

Our thoughts affect our appearance, too. The habitually bad-tempered person may well look disagreeable. A person with a sour face indicates that the possessor is, as a rule, a miserable individual, and probably others try to avoid him when they can... he repels rather than attracts.

Oh yes, our faces do give away our thoughts all too often. There are others, who may not be at all good looking but who, because they are cheerful and loving, give out a glow which envelopes all with whom they come in contact. They have an inner radiance which draws all men to them.

So try to develop this inner joy within yourself. The more you dwell on joy, the better other people will appear to be, so use positive affirmation and spread your joy about!



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