Talks on Truth

The Message of Easter

© The School of Truth
Source p. 4, Mar / Apr 2009 - The Path of Truth (Young Ideas)

Whenever you have felt the urge to perform some little act of kindness, or to be of service to someone, perhaps your Grandmother or the elderly neighbour next door, have you ever wondered just what it was that made you feel that way?

And, having done a kind deed, have you ever thought over that happy, uplifting feeling that seemed to well up within you? If you have, perhaps you have recognized the kindly urge as a "still, small voice" within you. We become more aware of our true selves, and so find more pleasure in doing a good deed, and in finding the good in others. For it means that the Christ Spirit is constantly growing within us, that we are becoming more aware of our nearness to God the Father.

Let us then try always, and especially at this time of the year, to remember how great and noble was the example set by Jesus. His Life here on earth was a Life of Love, a Love that conquered all darkness and doubt and left us the promise of Eternal Happiness and light.

All His Life Jesus taught his fellowmen to love God and to love one another, and when the time came, he proved by His Own Great Example that the Christ rises triumphant over all things. Let us remember that the Christ Spirit within us is Love, and that Love is God expressing Himself through us.

The message of Easter is a message of Love, and it teaches us: "Give and it shall be given unto you." If we go out to serve our fellowmen in love and kindness, asking no reward, we are walking the path of Christ... The path that leads to the Kingdom of Happiness, to Health, Peace and Prosperity.

And the Message of Love also teaches us that in giving up a life of selfishiness and seeking of our own gain, we find a new life that leads us on the way of truth and love to such happiness for ourselves and others as we have never known before.

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