Young Ideas
A letter from June

© The School of Truth
Source p. 251, Aug / Sep 2008 - The Path of Truth

You know, do you not, that, when having a discussion with anyone you should never, under any circumstances, lose your temper. If you cannot have an argument about a subject without losing your poise, then you should not argue at all.

We should always be prepared to listen to other people's views. We may disagree with them utterly, but they have as much right to their opinions as we have to ours, and this is something we should not forget.

On the other hand we can often learn much to our advantage by listening quietly to what people have to say. But we must keep open minds. Young people frequently think they know more than their elders, forgetting the experience the latter have had, and the knowledge they have acquired with the years. We may know more on certain subjects, it is true, but they have the greater knowledge of life. And experience teaches.

Gibbon said "I never make the mistake of arguing with people for whose opinions I have no respect". And he is quite right.

We can learn so much from discussing things with knowledgeable people, people who are experts in their particular subjects. And they are usually happy to talk about them. Most folks enjoy giving out their knowledge to those who are really interested, and our interests should be as wide as we can make them. The more we know, and are prepared to share what we know, the better citizens we'll be.

One piece of advice I should like to give you. Never be personal in discussion. If someone is saying what should be done under certain circumstances, please don't reply: 'Could you do it?' Anyone who is trying to help you is giving the best counsel he can, so do not become personal about it. After all it is for you to take it or reject it as you think fit.

Many of us thoroughly enjoy an argument, but we should never allow ourselves to become heated about it.



'One man gives freely, yet grows all the richer, another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want.'
- Proverbs 11:24

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