You are unique!

Nicol C. Campbell
© The School of Truth
Source p. 256, Nov / Dec 2009 - The Path of Truth

The almost impossible task of infusing our own consciousness into another is what we teachers of Truth are trying to accomplish. Every single day wherever I go and to whomever of you I may be speaking, I point out how imperative it is for you to realise your God-awareness in order to achieve the fulfilment that He is, and can be, HERE in this physical plane.

The other night I was discussing metaphysics with two doctors, one of whom was particularly interested in the subject. The point he brought up is a fundamental one; he held that we are a part of the universe, while I teach that we are the universe, and that until we understand that there is no such thing as a "part" we shall continue to experience limitation in our minds, bodies and affairs.

When I look at a string of electric lights I do not tell myself that these are part of electricity, any more than, when looking at the rays of the sun, do I call them scraps of it. I recognise the truth that light itself, not a fraction thereof, is present. Electricity is expressing as light; and the ray of the sun, 150 million kilometres away, is still the sun, not a small piece of it. My fingers are my body; if I amputate one of them my whole body suffers pain; if it were separate from me I could cut it off and placing it on the table say, "There is a part of my body lying on the table," but at this moment my finger is my body, not a portion of it.

My body is the expression of my life, not a part of it. It is vitally important for us to realise that we are not "parts of" anything. Someone said to me the other day, "I suppose spiritually we are the Presence of God in manifestation, but not physically." Yet how can God Who fills all space and is manifest therein, be unmanifest in my body which is also in space? In the same way, the man who claims that God can be his prosperity, or give him prosperity, but is not Prosperity-constituting-him, is equally illogical. It is because of this division in our awareness that we find God externalised not according to His Nature as GOOD, but as sickness, poverty and unhappiness, the very antithesis of all that He is.

I do not infuse a consciousness into you any more than you impart it to me when I discover my health, happiness or affluence. I have at this moment, come into the realisation that I am this, that, or the other Good which makes up the Being of God, instead of being separate from it. How can I put it more clearly and cause you to realise that, if you are the temples of God, His Kingdom, with all that He is and has - peace, happiness, health and prosperity - is in you, manifest as you?

In a lecture that I gave some time ago, I told my audience to go out and spend, not my consciousness, or someone else's, but their own; by which I meant that they were to go forth and use the knowledge they, not another, had uncovered respecting the Presence of Love as their health, happiness and affluence.

If you have accepted limitation and separation, you have nothing to give. If I were unhappy, frustrated, sick and poverty stricken, what would I have to give? Could I speak with conviction, or would doubt lurk, not in my mind which is God, pure and steadfast, impervious to outer conditions, but in my intellect? We discover His Presence by reading, listening to lectures, and by expressing the modicum of understanding that we have made our own. Our steps may be hesitant, but as long as we take them the whole Power that is God will rush to our aid, filling our consciousnesses so that we are enabled to accomplish whatever we have set as a goal before us.

When you press the self-starter in your car, work out a mathematical equation, or use the law of gravity in order to fly a plane, you are using knowledge born of experience, not belief. In the Old Testament we learn that before we call, God has answered, and while we are yet speaking He has heard us. Today we say, "Supply, which can never be depleted, precedes the demand," but a demand has to be made. How do we do this? Where is the Substance and how do we contact it? Who is there that will show us the Presence of God?

Look around you! In this man you will see health that has overcome disease, in that one plenty which has ousted poverty, in a third, discord that has been exchanged for you and understanding. These phenomena are the Voice of God speaking to you, and should carry conviction so that you do not look for some supernatural occurrence to persuade you, or an angelic form to present itself to you telling you to do this or that.

Omnipresence contains within Itself everything on every plane of awareness, including you and me. If, therefore, It is Health, there is no place in Divine Health for sickness. If It is Happiness and Harmony there is no room for discord; and if It is Abundance there is no lack except in our erroneous belief which will continue judging by appearances until such time as the impact of God, manifest in the lives of countless people, compels the individual to recognise Him as All-good.

That is why I tell you to spend your own consciousnesses, not someone else's. If you have a twenty-cents awareness, spend that, not my R10 one, or his R1,000 one, or her R2,900 one. It is you who have to know what you are doing. I cannot radiate your health or happiness until I have established these qualities in my own understanding. Because man has been taught from time immemorial that God is up in the sky, he has hesitated to claim bodily his at-one-ment with his Maker. Yet there is no question of failure when you can grasp this, even if only intellectually.

I have to rationalise for myself. I don't hope blindly that a thing may be thus and so, I am as sure of God as I am of a seed I plant in the ground. If I water it and cultivate it and, when it has sprouted, fertilise it, it will produce after its kind; and if we do the same by our God-consciousness it too will bear fruit. The trouble with most of us is that we fail to sow the seeds of joy, health, happiness and the Goodness of God, indwelling all humanity irrespective of class, colour or creed.

The difference between "Be still and know that I am God" and "Be still and know that I think I am part of God" is one of manifestation and separation. This is the Truth as I see It, and I would rather talk to an empty hall and teach what I feel is right than preach with my tongue in my cheek, only to please my listeners.

It is written that man is God in expression. I believe this because I have proved it and seen it manifest in thousands of people. We are not separate from the Father but are Life, Love and Intelligence expressed as His physical temples; not made up of body AND Spirit, but constituted of spiritual-mind, spiritual-soul and spiritual-body. When you understand this you will no longer be anxious or concerned about your bodies or affairs, about whether you will succeed or be failures, have plenty or have to endure want. I must accept this or go back to the old way of praying through a personality who will intercede with some anthropormorphic being in the sky on my behalf. I shall have to retrogress into the age of the ox-wagon and candlelight and ignore the progress which brought forth electric light, motor cars, aeroplanes and television.

You sit and listen to speech coming from 10,000 kilometres away and declare that it is a miracle, but what is miraculous about God's being everywhere evenly present, and of our having created, by means of His Intelligence, the vehicle through which we can hear His voice?

Where our body temples are concerned the Spirit infuses Itself into the awareness of Its own instruments; when we turn on a tap in our homes and allow the contents of the reservoir to run out in an unending stream, it will continue so to flow until we turn it off, and so it is with the way that God manifests. Let us see what the Master had to say on the subject. He stated that the God of Whom Moses taught was ONE God, All-power, and even more, All-love.

Are you chary of saying, "I am LOVE"? Are you not expressing It all day long toward your near and dear ones; do you not give of It gladly to your friends and relatives; are you not consciously spending your awareness of love, joy, peace and happiness from morning till night? Of course you can claim that you are Love and that It is All-presence! You do not have to give It to me; I can be unhappy and distressed, down in the very depths of hell, then some kindness touches me and immediately my spirits are lifted up and a happiness that does not come form without warms my heart. It radiates like a light from the centre of my being to the circumference; and from where it sprang, my health and prosperity take rise also. There is only Love, God. In It we live and move and have our being and It exists through Its body temples and flows from the inner to the outer. We have no need to fear for our bodies or affairs; the Allness of God permeates His whole universe, you, me, the Christ, the lowliest of individuals and the highest form of pure Intelligence throughout all time.

The difference between the man who shares his knowledge with his fellows and the one who, out of selfishness or indifference, keeps it to himself, is that the former grows in spiritual understanding, while the latter remains static.

None can stop you from loving even though they try to hurt you, undermine you and belittle you, they are your fingers, a treasured part of you, and in loving them, you are merely doing likewise for yourselves.

The basic things we teach, according to our understanding today, are firstly that man cannot create because he is NOT a creator. He can attune himself to that which exists and release it in the same way as he liberates the power of electricity as light and heat, but GOD ALONE is creation.

To you whose hearts are void, whose bodies are depleted, whose purses are empty comes the wondrous message of Truth declaring that in all those lies, the Verity that is GOD abides, for in the darkness there is light, in sickness health, in poverty abundance, and in fear faith.

The other day a man said to me, "I know my only difficulty is one of fear and that is the opposite of faith, is it not?" To which I replied, "No, it is not the opposite of faith. It is inverted faith, faith used in the wrong direction." Job made this clear when he said, "That which I greatly feared (the thing in which I had faith) is come upon me." His sense of separation from God brought disease, lack, and suffering into his life.

The new gospel states that according to your faith it is done unto you. It is the same thing! Faith positive releases God, the Good, to us and faith negative separates God, the Good, from us. We therefore have to use this Power intelligently, to direct It, that we may become the outlets of Love, Joy, Peace, Happiness and Health. Let us stop talking of being parts of Love, like parts of a bicycle! We are not worms of the dust, brought forth in sin, we are HIS SPIRIT IN BEING, the temples of the living God, Who has but one purpose, that of expressing ever more and more of HIMSELF through us.

Consciousness is knowledge, and according to my consciousness, not to my goodness or badness, my social connections, my financial standing or any other pretensions, it is done unto me. Virtue is its own reward! You shall know the Truth about the lie in your minds, bodies and affairs; it is not written that the Truth shall remove the condition but that It "shall set you free." Light will take the place of darkness, and Health which is ever present, will spring forth where disease and discord seem to be. The Truth will become, for each of you, the spiritual idea you need for your prosperity, the one concept that will bring with it the realisation of Substance to share and to spare.

Every one of you is unique. As my thumbprint is different from all the millions of thumbprints in the world, so are you prototypal. You are able, when the lie of separation has been lifted from your consciousness and you really know of your oneness, to do in your own particular manner what no one else can do in precisely the same way.

(Ref. Path Volume 29, No. 7)

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