
© The School of Truth
Source p. 265, Nov / Dec 2009 - The Path of Truth

There are so many references to light in the Bible that it surely is worthwhile to endeavour to get a better understanding of what is meant.

God said, "Let there be light," and so begins the creation of the universe out of the Light-substance which is His own being. Scientists themselves have discovered that matter can be converted into radiant energy, which is nothing less than light. This divine energy is also the life-current of all creatures. It has, as it were, been rayed into us, thus making physical and mental activity possible. We are not aware of this with our senses, but nevertheless it is true. Just as nourishment is dependent on energy from the sun, so our whole existence is supported by the Divine Light of Spirit.

Light illuminates and gives clearer perception, thus helping us to see events as God sees them. The question is often asked, "How can there be a loving God and at the same time, sin, disease, war, famine and disaster?" All these human experiences are the result of our ignorance - of living in darkness. If we had a realisation of God our ignorance (our darkness) would be dispelled and we would find the secret of harmonious existence. Illumination comes to man as he more and more realises his oneness with the Whole and seeks God within.

God is the true Light which "lighteth every man that cometh into the world."

God is Light, harmony and inner calm - peace that nothing can disturb. Humanity (as a whole and we as individuals) needs to understand that we must seek cooperation and goodwill among men and, above all, forgiveness. No more revenge or "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth," but to love, knowing that God loves our enemies as well as ourselves, and that there is some good even in the worst of us.

With this sense of peace comes faith in God as the light and inspiration of our life, and that God is with us every step of the way. As the Psalmist says, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." As His radiance fills our lives, our eyes are opened to the beauty of the earth, sea and sky, and our joy will help to lighten the burdens of others.

Light is within us and around us and "the light shineth in the darkness; and the darkness comprehendeth it not," but with the realisation of Omnipresence, there comes peace which is accompanied by a consciousness of power. Through the revelation of the true Self, we come to understand and recognise our unity with the Power which is God Omnipotent. This Power has no limitation, except through our own ignorance. But we shall not triumph over previous mistakes and thoughts of limitation until we change our consciousness. With our awakened thinking will come enlightenment. It is no use wishing for the light of understanding to dawn upon the world if we do not do our best to bring it about individually.

How difficult it is to pray for all the peoples of the world! Where can we start, for it is not only our own country that needs our prayers. It would seem that the beautiful prayer quoted below would meet the case. There is no need to strive to "pray hard," but just let go in the realisation that Light is at hand eternally. Light is within, ready to flow, so send it forth with the following words:

    Let the Forces of Light bring illumination to mankind,

    Let the Spirit of Peace be spread abroad,

    Let men of goodwill everywhere meet in a spirit of co-operation.

    Let forgiveness on the part of all men be the keynote at this time,

    Let Power attend the efforts of the Brotherhood of Light.

    So be it... and we do our part.

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