© The School of Truth
Source p. 268, Oct / Nov 2006 - The Path of Truth

Probably most of us can look back on experiences that have given us an entirely new outlook and changed the course of our lives. Years ago I atteneded a lecture on psychology and, though I remember very little of what was said that night, one sentence remained impressed on my memory: "It is not what happens to you that matters, but how you react to it."

I did not agree, but after thinking about it I began to realise that nobody's life could be all sunshine and that we must all encounter unpleasant experiences. The point was whether one could react to all conditions without being hurt. That seemed impossible. I approached the lecturer and asked him how one could remain happy in spite of ill-health or other harmful conditions. He replied "All inharmony comes from within yourself." I argued that in my case it was not so and gave, as I thought, excellent reasons for not accepting his statement. He smiled tolerantly and repeated "All inharmony comes from within yourself. Think deeply about it."

Later I learnt how great was the difference between his understanding and mine - he knew, and I did not know. Today I know that what he said is the truth.

I thought a great deal about those two statements: "It is not what happens to you that matters, but how you react to it" and "All inharmony comes from within yourself." I came to the conclusion that it was my wrong reaction that brought about the inharmony. It all lay within myself. I began to wonder if my negative reactions could be placed side by side with the teaching of the Master "What is that to you? Follow me." I realised that if I spent my time in self-pity I certainly was not following the Master.

Repeatedly I say, when people tell me of their problems, "What does it matter?" Some respond "Then what does anything matter? What is the use of trying?" but the man who sees good, even though his world appears evil, agrees: "What does it matter? This appearance will pass. Nothing can crush me." I firmly believe that nothing matters except the unfoldment of God's presence in ourselves through the over-coming of obstacles. Difficulties only matter if we give them power to disturb our peace of mind.

Often the things that upset us are trivial experiences. Sensitive people constantly expose themselves to new forms of suffering, and the things that make them suffer are not worth the energy they spend on them. They miss the joy of life. God's presence is revealed in you that you may have fullness of joy. What are appearances to you? Follow God's light. Cease your wanderings outside the gates of His kingdom and enter into your heritage.

But sometimes it is a larger problem. It may be that a person sees financial ruin staring them in the face. But does worry really help in any way? It is like a fog that descends on the mind and prevents clear thinking. Whereas the despairing soul will make an insurmountable obstacle of the situation, the practical follower of Truth steps over it and goes on joyfully along his path to greater achievement.

Many a parent will say "But do you really think it doesn't matter that my child has gone into a dangerous situation? Am I expected to say 'What is that to me?', this the most heart-rending experience of my life?" But the child has been exposed to danger before, and the protecting love of God is not limited to the home and what happens under a parent's love and care. The danger may be greater now but God's love remains the same. Fears and tears are hindrances to your child's safety. Entrust him or her to God and grant infinite Spirit the opportunity to surround them with Love and Protection. Give thanks that all is well. Do not wonder whether they are succumbing to an epidemic, whether they are missing home comforts, how long it will be before you see them again. Why make realities of things that do not exist and may never happen? Let God take the worry from you.

If you have read the Book of Job you will know that it is a drawn-out story of suffering. But there are two verses that contain the whole lesson. In the third chapter we read that Job, after much travail, says "The thing that I fear comes upon me, and that which I dread befalls me." In the last chapter we read "And the Lord restored the fortunes of Job, when he had prayed for his friends; and the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before." When fear controls us, troubles follow thick and fast; but when we forget ourselves in service to others, we find peace.

If we have faith, or even the beginning of faith, we need not try to solve our own troubles. We need not struggle against adverse conditions. What is the use of praying "Thy will be done" if in our hearts we do not yield our affairs to Him? Thomas Paine says "I have been preserved through many dangers but, instead of buffeting the Deity with prayers, as if I distrusted Him, I reposed myself in His protection. I have lived an honest and useful life to mankind, my time has been spent in doing good, and I can die in perfect composure and resignation to the will of my Creator - God."

As long as we react defensively to trials we may know that we have not yet let go of our burden of consciousness, that we are not truly wishing that God's will be done. But when we cease to believe in our own ability, and yield everything to Divine intelligence, fear is transformed into faith, weakness into strength, and failure into success.

God is the Substance of everything real, seen and unseen. When we realise this glorious truth it makes no difference if we are speeding along the highway of prosperity in the company of the great ones of the earth or dwelling among the poor and needy in the humblest walk of life. Once we are conscious that all things are working together for our good, nothing will move us. Because we love God we have nothing to fear. And if the way be rough and stony it will matter little - for our gaze will be fixed on the horizon.

Let us cultivate vision, and the determination to see only what is good in life. We need Divine light to shine in our darkness, we need Divine wisdom to guide us, and we want Divine strength to give us courage. When we become conscious that we can draw on these things we can steadfastly set our faces towards the future, unafraid, knowing that nothing matters except progress through service, and oneness with God.

From now onwards, determine to put aside all worries and, no matter what may be the obstacles, say confidently "What is that to me?" Remember the words of Solomon when he says "Trust the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths," for the words are as true today as when they were uttered.

The above is an edited extract of a lecture that was published previously in The Path of Truth (Ref. POT 6404)

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