© The School of Truth
Source p. 81, Apr / May 2007 - The Path of Truth

Among you are those who have had wonderful demonstrations of Love's dissipation of allegedly incurable disease, broken homes, poverty and failure because Love in you does not censure or condemn, but sees only Itself in expression through you. This is the Kingdom that the Master teaches you to seek "first", that is as the most important thing in your life and, as you live in It, these blessings become manifest in your material world.

The Master is no dreamer handing out palliatives to suffering humanity to enable them for a while to forget their troubles. He perceives Love, Beauty and Prosperity as verities. He teaches that disease and poverty are but transient things, asks us to judge righteous judgment and not to be misled by appearances.

If the negations we encounter were realities they would exist by the will of the Creator and we would be unable to influence them at all. But His purpose is for our highest good, so listen to your heart. Does it long for companionship, for harmony and happiness in your home, maybe for greater success or more prosperity? Do you feel empty? This urge towards good is Love speaking deeply within you, saying "This is My intent. It is Reality and fulfilment. Here for the taking is Substance. Will you not cease looking outside yourself and simply believe that you have received?

So let us make an appointment with Love and, during our sojourn in His presence, think on our desires, seeing the picture of their fulfilment, knowing that it is not we who are fashioning these images, but that God-as-Love, the Divine intelligence, is showing us what has already been created for us, His children.

We are not worms of the dust, nor is God to blame if we lack the good we crave. The fault lies with ourselves - we try too hard, tensely and anxiously, to bring about something that we believe is not ours, while all the time it is far nearer than mere possession. It is actually That of Which we are made. Your thought is God-you, your feelings are God-you - God Himself accepting His Good through you, His body temples.

Each and every one of you is capable of attaining now-consciousness, is able to live in the reality of the presence of what you truly desire. If, when you go apart to commune with God, your mind begins to wander, or you find yourself asking "how" or "where" or "when", do not struggle with them but push them gently aside with the firm avowal "I am in the shelter of the Most High. Here, where negation is trying to enter, is the temple of Love. Here the Presence of God is already fulfilled in me. What I seek is mine this day in spite of all appearances."

Love, not externalised lies, is my health, my happiness, my prosperity, my guidance, wisdom and vision. I have received, and in gratitude my heart is lifted up. I know that to touch but the hem of Love's garment is sufficient to bring Him into my mind, my heart, my body and my affairs. My kingdom of Good maintains and sustains me, and blesses me this day and to the end of time.

You have entered a shelter where you have had an appointment with God. Believing that you have received, you have touched the Source, and in that faith you have been healed mentally, emotionally and physically. What you desire, provided that it does not deprive another of their happiness, is God's desire for you. What He wants for you is your own. More than your own - it fulfils His very purpose in you, the very thing He brought you into being to express.

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