God, A present help

Nicol C. Campbell
© The School of Truth
Source p. 148 Jul / Aug 2009 - The Path of Truth

I wonder how many of you can say, "My cup runneth over" and mean exactly what I do when I use these words, which for me cover much more than material things, more than happiness if it is unaccompanied by health and prosperity, or than health if it does not include also prosperity and happiness. They mean for me the fullness of spiritual Power manifest in and through the individual.

Your purpose - and mine - in becoming students of Truth is the glorification of God. We try to honour and exalt Him in our everyday lives so that others may be aroused, by our example and the blessings we enjoy, to start seeking this "cup of livingness" by which they see we are sustained.

It would be very poor policy on our part to wear long faces, to live in a state of discord and strife, or to go about in poverty, carrying a cross, if we wished to encourage others to follow in our footsteps, along the path that leads to God.

When I started out, years ago, I began with the blind belief that it was wholly possible to demonstrate the things that Christ taught us could be demonstrated.

I had had no practical experience of this but I believed implicitly every word He spoke with regard to the Kingdom of God in man and something in me assured me that it could be expressed here on earth in and through all humanity.

In my ignorance I thought that all I had to do was to stretch out my hand and take whatever good things I desired. I knew nothing of difficulties, of the problems that would be presented to me, the poverty I would have to endure, the sickness I should suffer, the mental confusion and the emptiness of heart that would be my portion for, at that stage, I did not realize that one could not just trust God for the good one craved but had instead to set to and earn it.

I did not realize that this new wine of life, this spiritual force of Love that is the Inner Kingdom, could not be poured into my composite being of spirit, soul, mind and body and be made manifest through it until a complete cleansing had been effected and all negation and unkind thoughts, all envies and jealousies, all criticism of people, circumstances and conditions had been eradicated.

I have come to learn today that before we call God has already answered, before we have even asked for the negations in our lives to be obliterated these have been expunged from His spiritual Kingdom within us, but before this Kingdom can manifest through our bodies as radiant health, or in our hearts as peace and happiness, or our affairs as prosperity these qualities must have been earned in consciousness.

We are holding out cups to God that are already brimming over with the negations which we ourselves - for we can blame neither people nor circumstances for the problems that beset us - have crammed into them, and these we see reflecting through our bodies and affairs; and even though God is all the Love, Forgiveness, Power and Knowledge necessary to wipe these out He cannot do it for us, but must leave us to cancel out our own mistakes.

It is our mental, emotional and physical reaction to conditions that determines the effects that these produce on our bodies and in our lives. If we meet them in a spirit of defeat and negation we are piling up ever more and more discord for ourselves, but whenever we are strong enough to see through them to the reality of being and to enthrone that in our hearts, we are casting them out into the nothingness whence they came. Unfortunately for us we are too much influenced by persons and appearances; our thoughts swing back and forth as, in the case of illness, we accept some doctor's pronouncement to the effect that the disease is of a chronic nature; or where it comes to trouble in the home, we give way to our own fears and depressions; or where our businesses or careers are threatened, we look frantically around for outside help and, finding none, accept failure as inevitable.

These three problems that present themselves to practically everybody at one time or another, take on reality only because we all, when it comes to the pinch, heap power upon them; we allow them to fill our little cups of consciousness.

If we can attain the inner awareness of God as Omnipotence, Omniscience and, above all as Omnipresence, all the error that is lodged within our intellectual consciousness, but has never invaded our spiritual understanding, will be "melted into air, into thin air, and like the baseless fabric of a vision... shall dissolve... and leave not a rack behind!"

It is not by "taking thought" that this comes about, it is an inner illumination, and the moment you wholeheartedly accept the Truth, This moves in as smoothly as light seals over darkness and all error is eliminated.

Let me give you an example of how quickly God can work. Many years ago I was invited by the leaders of two religious sects and a few of their friends to a theological discussion that started at nine in the evening and did not terminate until three o'clock the following morning. I knew that they looked on me as the devil incarnate and that they hoped to be able to prove to me that the work I was doing was that of Beelzebub.

I set out, not in a spirit of antagonism, and certainly not with any feeling that I knew more about God than they did, but with the hope that, in reviewing the subject in goodwill together, we might all arrive at a better understanding of Truth.

However, the moment I arrived I was "put on the spot". Bibles were opened and one question after another from the Scriptures was fired at me, and as accusation followed upon accusation I was not given the opportunity of even opening my mouth.

I let this spate flow over me until it was exhausted and then I began, from the metaphysician's point of view, to explain to them the teachings of Christ. I was not at all dogmatic, I merely dwelt upon the Omnipresence of God as Spirit and Love and, as I was talking, I noticed a very large, fat young man who sat next to me putting down his Bible and taking out a small notebook in which he wrote something that he passed to one of the others present, all of whom, incidentally, except the leaders who had gone, became members of the School of Truth (which at that time did not exist) and still belong to it today.

At the end of the session, as I was leaving, he came up to me and said, "May I come and see you at your home tomorrow night?" I answered, "Yes, certainly!"

The following evening he turned up and told me of the "wonderful experience" he had had during my talk. He said that his mother had died of a chronic, bleeding ulcer and that he had suffered from the same complaint, which necessitated his carrying medicine with him wherever he went and made it impossible for him to visit a theatre or attend a function in case anything happened and he had to leave in a hurry.

He continued that, as he listened to me, the truth of what I was saying suddenly dawned upon him and he realized that he had been healed and as this marvelous revelation flooded his consciousness he had taken out his notebook and printed the one word "TRUTH" in it and passed it to his brother-in-law to indicate to him that he believed in and accepted what I was trying to convey, and what he now wanted of me was an explanation of how the change in his body had come to pass!

I replied that I could no more tell him that than I could fly, but that I knew it to be possible - nay more, certain - that the moment anyone consciously or unconsciously accepted the Truth about any negative condition, either poverty, disease or unhappiness, and could say to his intellect with conviction, "I no longer believe what you are telling me about this thing, you are a liar and I refuse from now on to accept your lies for I know my body to be literally the temple of the living God, which must reflect His Kingdom of Good" - from that instant no discord of any kind could persist.

For the sake of comparison I will tell you about another healing which was not so instantaneous, simply because the acceptance of the Truth was not so immediate as it had been in the other.

A woman who for several years had been paralysed from the waist downwards as the result of a major operation, sent for me and asked me whether it was possible for someone with an organic lesion to be cured or whether it was only those suffering from psychological illnesses who could be helped by the application of Truth. She explained that she had a huge scar across her abdomen and that according to the doctors who had examined her a nerve had been severed, in consequence of which she could never hope to walk again, and she asked me whether God could heal her.

My reply was a very simple one. "If you believe in God", I said, "He will not only heal you, He will Himself become your health. His All-presence of Love and Power permeates your negative condition through and through and through and there is nothing in the world that can prevent His Life from manifesting therein if you believe this."

"How can I believe it?" she asked, "I cannot get up and walk, and I have not the faith to obey Christ's injunction, nor do I feel that I can 'go in peace' and be made whole, but can I build up that trust so that God can hear my prayers and deliver me?"

I told her that she could do this if she was prepared to persist in her endeavours. I assured her that if she would believe, not only in her mind but in her heart, and would then try to take all the practical steps, it would be as easy for her to learn to walk as it would be to learn to play the piano, and she asked me to show her the way.

I said, "I am going to teach you how to pray on paper! I will make for you what we call a spiritual plan and upon this I will paste a number of pictures, according as I am guided; under each one of which will be an affirmation and I want you to look at these and believe that what is written there - and illustrated - is not something that has to be done but is the record of an accomplished fact. You must stop looking at your body; you must no longer think of yourself as functioning through it, you must live completely in your spiritual world. Will you do this?" And she promised to try with all her heart.

We made this spiritual blueprint for her and hung it up in front of her bed, and thereafter I went to see her every week. I never asked her how she was getting on but I gave thanks with her for what she saw in front of her, for Mary Jones walking, dancing, swimming, skating, riding and doing everything of a physically active nature.

I rejoiced with her for the manifestation of her belief in God, telling her that what she saw were not pictures pasted upon cardboard, but that what we were both looking at was a spiritual mirror reflecting the Truth about her; and every time I saw her she would say, "I know it is going to work! I know God is going to do this for me. I have not been able to get up and walk yet, but I am certain that He will accomplish this through me because I believe it. I have been looking at these pictures morning, noon and night and really living the part - living in the consciousness of this Kingdom."

It was six months before anything at all happened, when the first indication was a feeling, just below the hips, of life, and that was but a subconscious one for if one pricked her leg with a pin there was no sensation there at all. Nevertheless she maintained that she could feel life there and she asked me what other practical steps she could take and whether it was permitted for her to have massage. I replied that of course it was. I explained that all healing is of God, whether it comes through a doctor of medicine, a naturopath or any other agent and that it is only because of our own limitations, our halting belief, that God directs His intelligence through human channels, through which it is easier for us to accept our rehabilitation.

Accordingly she got a member of the School of Truth who was a trained masseuse to come to her every week. Six months later, just before Christmas, I was saying goodbye to the people who had attended my lecture when a little lady came out and offering me her hand said, "Hullo!" I knew the face but could not place it and replied, perhaps a trifle impersonally, "Hullo, goodbye, thank you for coming," when she said, "Don't you know me? I am Mary Jones and I have WALKED down from ____ Road (a couple of miles) to attend the lecture. Isn't it wonderful?"

Wonderful, yes... but completely natural! It is the most normal thing in the world for you and me and every other human being to reflect the Presence of God. It is not demanded of us that we live in poverty, sickness or unhappiness. Christ's whole message to mankind was to the effect that to each and every one IS his own cup of livingness overflowing with good if only he will accept the Truth (That sets him free) of the Omnipotence, Omniscience and Omnipresence of God.

Why must we continue to judge with our minds instead of our hearts, and fool ourselves into believing that this condition, that appearance, or such a person is greater than God? Why do we acknowledge evil in all our ways instead of Him? I will not compromise with appearances but will acknowledge God alone as the only Power within me, the only Presence constituting me and the One Love fulfilled in me, through me and for me.

THIS REALIZATION, this is the inner knowing that opens up for each and every one the Kingdom of God and establishes It unto him, here on earth.

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