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**** Spirits From Within ****

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""""The Spirit Of Freedom""""

They moved around as they needed and wanted
Not held by anyone to any one place
Along their many different paths of freedom
Could certainly now by us over the years be traced
They moved to comfort all of their many needs
And for survival of their very own
As survival off this land that they traveled
Had become the life that they had known
They pitched their many tents together
At times along the lakeside so silent and still
Where they could sit in peace and look out over water so calm
As their minds could be cleansed by the summer night wind's cool chill
Or they traveled up into the higher mountains
That rose up and touched the sky so blue
Many sitting there so close to their sacred gods above
Asking the spirits for guidance and what to do
The fires would burn in silence around where they live
As the winds through the valleys would softly, around them, blow
Knowing that after much thought and inner prayer
The course their lives would lead, the great spirits would to them show
Or free they lived in the fields where they would grow crops to eat
And in their tents they would sit to be safe from summer rain
And as long as the weather was good to each and everyone
As rainbows showed on the mountain side here they would remain
Then they would in freedom move to lower lands as snow filled the hills
Going to places where they would be able to survive
They would hunt and grow crops to get them by the cold days
As in this place for the winter they would now be able to live
Now the "Spirit of Freedom" that they had enjoyed for so long
Was slowly by outsiders, from them, taken away
As hearded like fenced in cattle they were moved
And on plots of land selected, they were only allowed to stay
Now the killing of their "Spirit of Freedom" they were asked to stand and watch
But as proud of this freedom as the rest of the spirits they stood fast and fought
And they wouldn't give in as they were, by a government, asked
But instead some fought for this "Spirit of Freedom" until they died or were caught
Now we all want to live with the Spirit of being free
As we think that is right that each of us should have
But we think not of the brave people way back then and even now
That this "Spirit of Freedom", we have never to them gave

© Tall Mountain Dreamer August 15, 2000

""""Spirits Of The Wild""""

Inside each and every soul
Lives the spirit of each to be free
To be able to live as the animals in the forest
And all the fish in the deep blue sea
Feeling no binds that hold them down
Able to roam their path of life like the wild wolf
Protecting themselves best as they see fit
Looking out for their loved ones and themself
Building a family like those of packs of wolves
Being able to rely on each other every day
Fighting the obstacles that are faced by them
Growing stronger together, day after day
To be free to hunt for their own road of life
And learn to search fully, like the bear for food
As this will insure that the right road is taken
And all in life when they travel will be good
Knwoing when to sense they are in danger
Like the wild against poachers that come to hunt and kill
Leaving the dangers behind and moving on
So that they may travel along life's journey still
To be able to soar upward to meet their dreams
And be able to glide along over life's road
Knowing that with the cunning and knowledge
That they will never falter under life's heavy load
To be swift in the decisions that they make in life
Like that of the dear as it darts through the forest
But taking whatever time is needed to think
And make the decision that for them is the best
To be silent and move like hish in the bottom of a pool
Protected from danger by the natural habitat that is there
Laying in the shadows heated by the sun up high
Just resting and letting your mind go of every care
The Native Americans showed us the way of the great spirits
And how at times in life they turn to different one
Knowing that it will give them strength and guidance
And will be in their hearts and soul until the ordeal is done
How they prayed to the spirits in time of need
And trying to find the best way to go
And though they were never heard out loud
The right way through life, these quiet spirits would show
So if you are in doubt and scared at what you face
Stop for a minute and finds your spirits that are hidden deep inside
And listen carefully to what they have to say
And you will always be able to move through life with pride

© Tall Mountain Dreamer August 23, 2000

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