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**** Seasons Of The Year ****

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**** The Seasons ****

The seasons come and the seasons go
As swiftly by the year does flow
"Winter" brings us a blanket of white
Glistening under the bright moonlight
The flakes fall softly from the sky
Stacking themselves way up high
The snow brings with it,many events
Causing bumps,bruises,crashes and dents
There is skiing,skating,sledding and driving to name a few
Well rounded experiences for me and you
Hear the wind through leafless tree's
Pine needles being bent in a stiff cool breeze
When the cold days are finally gone
It is then time for longer days to come
The snow slowly melts away
Under the warmer sun of the day
This is the season that we call "Spring"
When everyone gets used to the warming
Finally the ground has started to show
And the leaf buds and plants begin to grow
The birds are returning from their winter vacation
Returning from all across this great nation
Finally the days are the longest they will be
"Summer" is finally here,we have waited pateintly
The grass is all growing and turning bright green
Blooming flowers are everywhere to be seen
Leaves fill branches of tree's so tall
Hiding the birds as they send out their call
The gardens we plant as the seeds we sow
In the bright sunlight the plants will grow
Finally the daylight starts to lessen
Thank God for the harvest,it sure was a blessen
The temperatures are starting to get alot cooler
The leaves are changing into their splendid color
The leaves finally start their downward fall
As this is the season we all call "Fall"
Animals start saving for what weather lies ahead
As people start throwing blankets on the bed
Now these four seasons they come and they go
Bringing us all of it sun,wind,rain and snow
The seasons are named,Winter,Spring,Summer and Fall
I take no preference to one,as I love them all

© Tall Mountain Dreamer November 10,1998

**** Winter ****

Winter is a magical time of the year
One of which I hold so dear
The tree's stand bare,from all their leaves
Standing and swaying in the cold,cold breeze
Back and forth they will gently sway
As amongst them all the wind does play
The temperatures go way down low
Falling and falling to 10,20,and even 30 below
The bows of the evergreens hanging heavy and low
Buried underneath a coat of new fallen snow
The mountains are covered in their coat of white
Majestically standing below in the bright moonlight
The skiers have come to play in their wonderland
Sliding over the white covered trails so grand
The skies are colored a dull grey
Sending more snow to us today
The people are seen cleaning snow out of their driveways
The state and town crews are out cleaning our highways
There are many events for this time of year
For any one of them you will need special gear
There is skiing and boarding to name just two
These you can enjoy if they are for you
Snowshoeing and cross country skiing you can start
But these are not for the faint of heart
Now the animals are out digging and looking for food
Hoping their harvest will be really good
The birds are in the tree's holding on tight
Against the cold north wind,that blows,they must fight
People are bundled up from head to their feet
Saying"Mother Nature us,you can not beat"
With everyday life onward they will go
They show what they are made of as we all know
Now the sun is shining higher in the sky
As these cold,cold months will soon pass us by
It wont be long now for me and you
As another winter has passed and we made it through
So button up the coats and pull the hats on tight
And settle on down,the cold weather to fight

© Tall Mountain Dreamer June 16,1998

**** Spring ****

The days are warming as the sun shines bright
There's a little more day and a little less night
The birds are singing from their perch in the tree's
Being genlty fanned by a warm gentle breeze
On the tree branches the buds have started to show
And from these many buds leaves will slowly grow
The snow is slowly melting and going away
Soon it will be gone and for awhile it will stay away
Birds are returning from their winter resting grounds
Filling the air around with wonderous music sounds
The animals that slept through the Winters snow
Have started to stir,no matter how slow
The bears that had snuggled way down in their den
Have finally decided it is time to show their heads again
The grass is turning green all around
Soon the green carpet will cover the ground
Soon the ground will be ready and seeds we will sow
As from these plantings these foods will grow
Buds are showing from bulbs in the ground
The color of flowers soon will abound
Insects are buzzing as flies test their wings
The have long waited for the warmth of Spring
People are out cleaning up their yard
Some of the work easy,some of it hard
Dusting off the gold clubs and getting ready the boat
Taking it to the lake and watching it float
The golf courses are ready and flags there stand
People hoping that with one show,in the hole it will land
So now it is time to get rid of the Winter blues
Put away the boots and change them for shoe's
Now as you go out and enjoy the weather
Meeting old friends and talking together
You will have on your mind one thing
Through another winter I made it"Thank God it is Spring

© Tall Mountain Dreamer June 16,1998

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**** Summer ****

Hey! Hey! Summer is finally here
This is one of my favorite times of the year
The days are longer and full of light
The only thing short is the darkness of the night
The temperature is constantly rising
With the help of the bright sun this is not suprising
Flowers bloom and their aroma fills the air
Their glorious colors are out for all of us to share
People take to the trails for long wooded walks
Or sit by the flowing streams for some short talks
People going swimming are headed for the lake
To lay under the sun and slowly,their bodies,the bake
Swimming holes are found in a near by brook
Some tucked away in a quiet little nook
The fisherman headed to their favorite lake
Looking for that trophy they are trying to take
Fly fishing too in a shady and quiet brook
Hoping that a special one will bite on the hook
The hikers are out exploring our land
To the tops of mountains,overlooking valleys so grand
They walk out into our woods so deep
Their cleanliness they fight hard to keep
The golfers are out there covering the course
Some making par and others doing much worse
Taking a chance for over the water they strive
Hoping for a true,accurate and long drive
People are sunning to get themselves a tan
The UV rays they try hard to ban
Thier skin is all oiled and gives off a glow
And after days of much sweating,a tan begins to show
The baskets are packed with food tasting great
To sit down at a picnic I can hardly wait
The salads and sandwiches taste really good
Tell me"Is there any better tasting food"
Bees,the flowers,they are buzzing around
Making that distinguished buzzing sound
The baby birds are chirping from way up high
It won't be long before they learn how to fly
About these thoughs you surely no longer wonder
You are so thankful because it is finally Summer

© Tall Mountain Dreamer June 16,1998

**** Fall ****

The breezes have cooled this time of year
This will tell you Fall is finally here
The hot days of summer,we have made it through
The days are shortening for both me and you
The flowers that had bloomed are slowly fading away
As dormant until next year they will have to stay
The children have started another year in school
Heading out in the morning when its still cool
It is time to get out the coats and the sweaters
Time to make the appointments to service the heaters
The smoke is coming from the chimneys on the roofs up high
Slowly disappearing into the dark sky
The cold has effected the leaves on the tree's
The green has slowly drained from all of the leaves
Slowly the leaves change colors before they are shed
Colors of yellow,orange,brown and bright red
The animals are scurrying to store up some food
So that their winter feats will surely be good
Crops get harvested as fields we clear
Readying the fields for the cold that is near
Pumpkins turn orange,while they lay in their patch
Fisherman are out for the seasons final catch
The animals coats are steadily getting thick
To protect them from the cold that will be here quick
During this very special time of the year
Its a time that most children hold so dear
This is what has become known as Halloween
They think that getting candy is really keen
Some dress in costumes,Oh! so hairy
Other are wild and some really scary
Then comes a holiday when families usually gather around
Homes are filled with laughter and happy sound
Thanksgiving has come and a feast has been prepared
As people get together and their food is shared
This holiday was started by pilgrims many years ago
The thanks for what they had they wanted to show
Jack Frost has put his drawings on our windows
Going outside the cold wind nips at our nose
Now the leaves have all fallen and cover the ground
Animals scurrying make a rustling sound
Now as you settle down into your old chair
Snuggled up warm and without much to care
Remember its that time of year,strange to some
The time of year has come that we call Autumn

© Tall Mountain Dreamer November 18,1997

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