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""""Safety In His Arms""""

She came in search of him that day
Knowing in her heart that he would not push her away
Her heart was weighing heavy inside of her
But she knew she would be alright as long as they were together
When their eyes met right away he knew something was wrong
But for her he would stand proud and strong
Giving her a place, her burdens there, she could release
As her pain is all that he then wanted to ease
He held out his arms and she came to him
As he closed his arms around her, she snuggled in
He looked down into her deep eyes filled with pain
Knowing his love for her would let her here remain
He spoke not a word nor did he even try to pry
Letting her speak in her own time as she let out a deep relief filled sigh
He carefully listened to each and every word
And in his gentlest voice he spoke of what he had heard
He listened to the worries that she had kept inside
And when alone and unseen she had sat and cried
He listened of the love that she had deep in her heart
And how she felt so lonely whenever they were apart
He heard her talk of obstacles and not knowing what to do
He looked down at her and said, "You are never alone as I am here for you too"
She told of people that were looking to do her harm
But safe she felt now, cuddled against him so warm
When she had spoken her last words and her mind was free of thought
And back from her deep eyes, her tears she bravely fought
She looked up at him and waited for him to speak
As the understanding of this man is certainly what she did seek
Then she heard his words coming to her softly through the air
Knowing that her man now would comfort her there
He told her not to worry of the ones that would cause her harm
Because as long as she was in his arms she could always be calm
He spoke of the love that she diplayed to all she met
Telling her that what she did, she should never show regret
Told her not to worry about lonliness as she with him would stay
And they would have each other each and every day
Telling her the obstacles that she faced, she would never be alone
And he will be there beside her every step that is done
Now he held her closer letting her know with him comfort she could find
And that with him she would be able to release whatever is on her mind
Then he thanked her for love that to him she gave
And how lucky to find her, as thanks to the lord he gave
So together as they stood there in each others arms
They both knew she was protected from all of life's harms

© Tall Mountain Dreamer August 10, 2000

""""The Embrace""""

She nestled softly into his arms
Knowing the feeling she felt as he held her close
Calmness slowly poured into her soul
These memories she wanted always to remember those
Her heart she would give to him with out asking
Knowing that he would keep it safe from all harm
Holding it securely but with gentle feelings
Making her body fill with thoughts so warm
She leaned back further, pressing into him
As his arms he wrapped around her and held her there
Wanting to keep her as close as he could
And the peace they gave to each they wanted to share
She closed her eyes as his fingers fell through her hair
Relaxing her more and more as there she lay
The relaxation filling her was making her mind rest
As she knew she would be sheltered on this very day
He felt the silkiness of her hair so long and smooth
And then he could feel the softness of her tender skin
As his hands stroked gently back and forth
Feeling her warmth each time brushing over her again and again
He looked into her deep and mysterious eyes
Seeing deep into her soul that lay beyond
Knowing that what she posessed deep inside of her
No more beauty could there ever be found
He listened as her beat filled his ears
Knowing that she was certainly a special person indeed
And that the joy she gave to him with her love
Was something that made him complete and he did need
He touched her lips that were so soft and full
Knowing of the sweetness that lay there and beyond
To taste that sweetness each and every day
For him many days he had now longed
The heat from her body warmed him as it seeped into him
And this warmth he knew was special from deep inside
The love that he had for this special beautiful maiden
Now to her in completeness he could safely confide
He bent low to her and their lips then met
As he held her close he tasted her sweetness
For what seemed eternity there they were locked in a lovers embrace
And the power each gave to the other they could now atest
Each knew that to the other they had nothing to prove
And just to be themselves is all the other would ask
As together they set locked in a deep embrace
And in each others love they now would bask
So the lovers embrace of that very day was certainly special
As to each they had found security, safety and much more
And together they wanted to share what they now had

© Tall Mountain Dreamer August 19, 2000

""""" My Passion Flows """""

I see her beauty as she stands there
The wind blowing softly at her silken hair
Her eyes sparkle like the sun on the sea
This beautiful woman who brings happiness to me
My Passion Flows

Her voice is total softness as I hear it flow
The love in her heart does outwardly show
The care she shows for all that around
She is like no other that I have ever found
My Passion Flows

I reach out my hand for her to take if she does need
The feeling of her warmth goes into my heart like a seed
My heart opening to accept it as does the ground
The love I am feeling makes my heart pound
My Passion Flows

My fingers slowly trace along her soft skin
I look deep into her eyes and try to see deep within
They are so welcoming to anyone that sees inside
Knowing that deep in her so much love does reside
My Passion Flows

I pulled her body so close to me to hold
So that the love I had for her is told
Feeling her as our bodies slowly became one
And her warmth was warming like the summer sun
My Passion Flows

Her heart pound gently against my chest
Being held lovingly in my arms she did not protest
Laying her head softly against me to hold
Of her feelings for me this now told
My Passion Flows

Our lips slowly meet in a passionate kiss
The love that flowed between us we couldn’t dismiss
The warmth in our bodies slowly did build
And in the meeting of our souls we both were thrilled
My Passion Flows

The desire we were feeling will build on
And we know that what we feel will never be gone
So now our hearts are together now forever
As two souls and one heart we are together
My Passion Flows

Now as I stand and look back over this feeling
The one that sent both our minds reeling
We knew that no two others were better for each
As into each other our feelings did reach
My Passion Flows

Now I knew that this would always be
As she had become a huge part of what made me
The love she gave to me made me complete
As in this world of unknown by chance we did meet
My Passion Flows

So now I will tell what this all means for sure
As I give her my love that is so pure
Telling her that in my life I want her to stay
And that I will never push her away
My Passion Has Flowed

© Tall Mountain Dreamer March 3, 2001

""""Love From The Heart""""

The burning feeling deep in their soul
Let them know that for each other they ached
Holding each other in their arms
Feeling the soothing warmth each one brought
Knowing that they would protect the other from harms
Listening to the beating of each others hearts
The strength they made when together they did beat
And knowing that any obstacle that came along
Bonded together they would be able to defeat
He could feel the tenderness of her soft skin
She could feel his firm body against which she lay
Holding each other tight but with gentle love
This is the way that they longed to stay
He looked through her eyes and deep into her soul
Knowing what the feelings were he was feeling for her
Wanting to hold this beautiful woman forever
Gently their lips met in a passionate kiss
As the feelings were then being completely expressed by each
And looking at the silkiness of her flowing hair
Their love for each were filling them as far as it could reach
He whispered into her ear in soft tones
Words that he had been longing to say and her to hear
Words that said the feelings of each out loud
as soft as a gentle summer wind she heard "I Love You!"
The softness with which he spoke those words
And the feelings to her that he had, to her, shown
Was the reasons that what she felt inside her now
For many days inside her heart and soul had steadily grown
So they then united as one and gave their hearts to each
Knowing that each other would cherish it for many days to come
And that safe they felt giving themselves to each
As they new that the ceremonial day of unity would soon come

© Tall Mountain Dreamer August 9, 2000

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