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Their Migration to America


Our particular branch of the Lehman family, as far as I can tell, were neither impoverished nor did they partake in the call for enlistment.  Our family had property, wealth, and was in good standing with the monarchy.  It is known that even some of our early family members were employed by the court.  Many others were magistrates and held other positions of importance within their own communities.  It is further known that our branch of the Lehmann family owned an Inn or Gesthaus as it was called.  Being somewhat of an influential family during the mid 1700’s and holding court affiliation, they petitioned the monarchy for permission to leave the country for the Americas.  When permission was granted in 1750 it took them nearly a year to settle with family and friends, dispose of their property and make provisions for passage. Passage at that time, took more than a month providing weather cooperated and traveling with four small children as our Hans Jacob and his wife did, certainly must have been trying.


Petitioned to come to America 10 Dec 1750, in Blankenloch, Germany.  Document located in Karlsrue, Germany.  I have a copy of the original document written in German - see translation below.

* Translation of letter Johann Jacob Lehmann etal sent to the Margrave of Prussia via a prince regent


His Serene Highness and Sir, Karl Friedrich, Earl of Saustenberg,

Landearl of Sponheim and Eberstein,

Sir to Roetelen Baden and Weyler, Lahr and Malburg.


Merciful Highness and Sir

   Ad Manus Clementissimus                                                     Karlsruhe

                                                                                                            27 April 1751

The princely subsensives to Blankenloch and Groetzingen who are willing to depart for Pennsylvania ask their Highness by rightful reasons to reduce their set taxes if not the entire vote by at least half of it.  Your Serene Highness, please adhere to the request of your obedient submissives who have the permission to immigrate and depart for Pennsylvania and must pay for each of their property 100 florin (guilders) plus deductive monies, and the duty money which adds up to 25 R..  This does not leave us poor citizens enough money to cover expenses for such a long journey.

We therefore beg your Serene Highness for mercy and mildness, also in the name of our poor children, so that we will not have to pay the full amount but reduce it to half.  We ask our Lord that He will let you be the rich manager with a lifelong government and lifetime health.

In deepest devotion and respect

Your obedient submissive owners of the Blankenloch and Groezingen area

Anton Hauer

Bernhard Hauer

Jakob Lehmann

Sebastian Nagel

Michael Raupp

                              From Blankenloch

Daniel Zoller

Jakob Crey

David Massgung

                              From Groezingen

                        Advoc. Ringmacher



The above is a facsimile of the Port of Rotterdam



This above photo was taken from the book: “Colonial Civilization of North America 1607-1763”,

by Louis B. Wright, pg. 193


Above document taken from the book: 

"Album of American History Vol. I, Colonial Period" - 

Pennsylvania, page: 393

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