Shameless Promotion of My Friends' Websites

HellRazor's Shrapnel Party: My former drummer's website.
My friend Ken's bandsite. Look at it!
My friend Chris Pagan's website. His is just as lame-ass as mine.
My friend Erica's website.
My friend Angela's website. She's damn sexy. And she loves pussy.
Hellsong - Raven Blacke's work in progress.

A Couple of Bandsites That I Like (Other Than Ken's) The Official Orgy Bandsite Self-explanatory Probably the freakiest site linked to mine. These guys rock!
Dope. Another hardcore rock band.
The Slipknot page.
Coal Chamber's official site. Roadrunner Records. All the bands here kick major ass.

ANOTHER FUCKING LINK? Yup, and for shirts gone horribly wrong.

My Old News

My Latest News

HOLY SHIT!! Sunday, January 4, 2004 6:53 PM CST

     Yes, folks, it's another entry from Cerberus, after a nearly two year hietus. And if that's not spelled right, I don't give a fuck. Anyway, I was going to put up a link to an INVADER ZIM video made to Mindless Self Inudlgence's "BRING THE PAIN,", but I don't have the space available to host it at this time. So, if you're reading this now and would like it, gimme an e-mail. . I'll tell you how to get it from me there.


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