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KB9VLL's Amateur Radio Home Page



Talk Around The World

My research paper on Amateur Radio. Is now available for download and viewing (thanks to Adam T.). Click the link below to view and to download right click and go to "Save Target As" the click save.

Talk Around The World

Hi I'm Dan (KB9VLL). This is my home page. The reason I made this page is for people looking for some information on amateur (ham) radio. Also included on this page is some info on the radios I own and the tips and tricks to them and some mods for other radios I found. Last but not least a two meter repeater list from around the area I live. Thanks for visiting my site hope it answers the questions you have about amateur radio. If it doesn't drop me a e-mail at the address below and I will try to find you a answer.

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Thanks For Visiting KB9VLL's Amateur Radio Home Page

 Packet Radio Information

 Information On Motorola Radios

 Modifications for Some Radios

  Motorola Radius GP300 Information

  Motorola Radius SP50 Information

  Radio Shack HTX-242 Information 

  Radio Shack Pro-2066 Scanner Information

 Amateur Radio Satellite Information

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This Page Last Updated

January 14, 2002

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