Just a few thoughts on life and love...

‘Real Love'

Real love isn’t selfish

It never leaves you behind

But selfishness is hatred

Of a different kind

It’s hatred

That hides itself

Under the pretense

Of just wanting...

Just wanting...

A little bit more

You gave this much

So you want to settle the score

After all

Don’t you deserve

That much more?

Real love doesn’t ask

Real love is satisfied

Real love accepts

Real love only wants to change you

When you’re hurting yourself

Real love only wants what’s best for you

Real love is a rare gift

That comes in tiny packages

In imperfect packages

Unexpected packages

Real love is often not recognized for what it is

Real love will find you when you least except it

Or it may be right under your stuffed up nose


Thanks to the virus of selfishness

That has infected your body

It blinds you from what’s really there

Waiting for you too open up your eyes and see

Real love isn’t about romance

It’s not about poetry

Or about rhyme

Real love isn’t about kisses, sex or expensive wine

Real love isn’t found in diamonds rings or golden things

Real love supports you in your time of need

Real love isn’t afraid of who you are

Real love appreciates you for who you are

Real love is a gift from God

That is so rare on earth

Make sure to keep your eyes open

So you don’t miss out

On what’s been there all along

Real love

9 Months

Is 9 months really so long in one lifetime?

I know you say it’s not the right time

But I’m alive

I’m here

I’m now

And I’m a human

Yeah, that’s right, I’m telling you, I’m human

You made my life

With your mistake

And now it’s my life that you want to take

I know you say I’m not like you but I am

I will have your eyes

Your humor and your ears

I’ll feel your pain; you’ll dry my tears

And even if you have to give me away

Because the bills I would cause are not something you could pay

I’ll think of you in love throughout the years

I’ll always respect you and in my heart I’ll hold you dear

But if you go through with what you plan

I won’t be there

No time will we share

No fond thoughts of you

I’ll be gone through and through

A painful incision will be made in the back of my head

My brains will be sucked out

My tiny body will lie there…dead

On the “doctor’s” gloves my young blood will be spilled

Yes, by your own hand, I will be quite killed

Murdered at my own young mother’s will

They’ll place my body in a trash bin

Like I did something wrong...what was my great sin?

Do you hear that?

I’ll be DEAD!

I’ll be gone before my time has even begun!

I’ll never hear your voice and I’ll never see the sun

Or feel a cool breeze

Or see the autumn leaves as the fall slowly from the trees

I’ll never have a lover, a friend or a date

Please…change your mind…before it’s too late…

I’ll never feel how it feels to be given a warm embrace

I’ll never see your face or gaze off into space

I’ll never wait impatiently for the arrival of my best friend

And I’ll never be happy when the school term ends

I’ll never hang around the house with nothing to do

And I’ll never spend a merry Christmas here with you

I’ll never feel the way it feels to receive a loving kiss

Just think of all the wonderful things that I’ll miss…

Because you’re to selfish to let me live…

Is 9 months really too much to give?

Last night after having a really interesting discussion with my dad about politics and why we're both pro-life. At that time, I was inspired to write these words. If you like my poem and feel how I feel...pass it on...send people the address to this webpage, or copy and paste this poem into an e-mail. I want people to read my words...reflect on them...feel them...understand them...what they mean...look at the point of view that they so often don't want to look at or listen for...

The silent voice of the unborn child.

The unborn child that was once you, once me...that 'fetus'...that mass of flesh...that has always been a person...the person that you say isn't a person just because you don't want it to 'ruin your life' or because it's not you.

I want people to read this and understand what they really take when the abort a child's life. Maybe this poem can open a few sets of closed eyes...for the sake of those babies out their, who are just like me....just like you....I hope, I pray to my God that my little poem goes into the world and does it's duty....

Not so that people will hear my words...but people will hear the unspoken words of those who haven't come to be able to speak to us yet...and may never speak if their own parents silence their young, living voices.

And I do know what I'm talking about, as the offspring of a 16 year-old girl and a 19 year-old guy who probably don't love each, never got married, etc. I KNOW that what I really wanted is to be alive, not to have the perfect family. Abortion or raising the child are not by any means the only two answers. Adoption is an answer-a good answer, a kind, loving, compassionate answer. That was the answer my wonderful mother chose. Thanks to adoption I have a wonderful life with wonderful people who really love me and can give me the chances my birth mother couldn't because of her age and life situation. Where ever my mom is now...I just want thank you for your 9 months...I'll never forget you even though I never even knew you. You did a good, good thing...and I love you for it. I really do. Someday I hope I can find you and thank you in person...

Till that day and beyond that day...I will fight...I will fight for the rights of the unborn who are in need of someone to be their voice....

These are the most important poems I've written because of their message. As you've probably guessed though, I've written a lot more than two poems. If you'd like to read more of my writing, please click on this link. Thanks!

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