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EE44 - Electrical and Computer Engineering TextBooks


Books To sell

YR 4 Semester II

  • 4.1. Foley J D, van Dam A, Feiner S K and Hughers J F, "Computer Graphics Principles and Practice", 2nd Ed, Addison-Wesley, 1990. (Hardcover)- $45.00  
  • 4.2. Lewis Morkel Hubbard Stockport DavenPort , "Cases in strategic Management ( Australia & New Zealand)" 2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall ,1996. - $15.00

YR 4 Semester I

  • 3.1. William C.Y. Lee , "Mobile Communications Design Fundamentals", 2nd Edition, Wiley,1993 - $18.00

  • 3.2. William L.Brogan, "Modern Control Theory", Third Edition,Prentice Hall, 1991 (Hardcover new!)- $23.00

YR 3 and YR 4

  • 2.1. Glover & Sarma, "Power System Analysis Design", 2nd Ed, ITP, 1993 (Hardcover). - $20.00
  • 2.2. V.OppenHeim & Ronald Schafer , "Discrete-Time Signal Processing" 2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall ,1989. (Hardcover) - $28.00
  • 2.3 John G. Proakis/Salehi , "Communication Systems Engineering" , Prentice Hall, 1994 - $28.00

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