Thursday, March 11

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SP Awards



Animal: Off the Top Rope Powerslam
Bad Ass Billy Gunn: Rocker Dropper
Bart Gunn: Spinning Left Hook
Blue Blazer: Dragon Sleeper
Bob Holly: Top-Rope Body Splash
Brian Christopher: Tennessee Jam
Christian: Modified Reverse DDT
D'Lo Brown: Sky High
Edge: Downward Spiral
Faarooq: Dominator
Gangrel: Rising DDT
Giant Silva: Choke Slam
Godfather: Pimp Drop
Goldust: Curtain Call
Golga: The Cannonball
Hardy Boyz: Leg Drop/Splash Combo
Hawk: Flying Lariat
Headbangers: Stagedive
Hunter Hearst Helmsley: The Pedigree
Jacqueline: Rap-Around DDT
Jeff Jarrett: Russian Legsweep
Kane: Tombstone Piledriver
Ken Shamrock: Ankle Lock Submission
LOD 2000: Devastation Device
Mankind: Mandible Claw
Marc Mero: TKO or Marvelocity
Mark Henry: Big Splash
Owen Hart: Sharpshooter
Rocky "The Rock" Maivia: Rock Bottom
Sable: Sable Bomb
Savio Vega: Spinning Heel Kick
Scorpio: 450 Splash or Moonsault
Scott Taylor: Victory Roll
Shawn Michaels: Sweet Chin Music
Skull: Big Boot
Steve Blackman: The Guillotine
Steven Regal: Regal Stretch
Stone Cold Steve Austin: Stone Cold Stunner
Taka Michinoku: Michinoku Driver
Terry Funk: DDT or Moonsault
Thrasher: Moonsault or a Top-Rope Leg Drop
Tiger Ali Singh: Neckbreaker
Undertaker: Tombstone Piledriver
Val Venis: Moneyshot
X-Pac: X-Factor (Face Buster)


Alex Wright: German Suplex or Reverse Neckbreaker
Barbarian: Kick of Fear
Barry Darsow: Barely Legal
Booker T: Harlem Sidekick or Missile Drop kick
Brad Armstrong: Side Russian Leg Sweep
Bret Hart: Sharpshooter
Brian Adams: Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker
British Bulldog: Running Powerslam
Buff Bagwell: Buff Blockbuster
Chavo Guerrero Jr: Tornado DDT
Chris Adams: Superkick
Chris Benoit: Crippler Cross-face
Chris Jericho: Lion Tamer
Curt Hennig: Hennig Plex
Dean Malenko: Texas Cloverleaf
Diamond Dallas Page: Diamond Cutter
Disciple: Apocalypse
Disco Inferno: Chartbuster or Spike PileDriver
Eddie Guerrero: Frogsplash
El Dandy: Mahistral Cradle or the Hand of Stone
Eric Bischoff: Crescent Kick
Ernest ‘The Cat’ Miller: Spinning Heel Kick
Evan Kourageous: 450 Splash
Fit Finley: Tombstone Piledriver
Giant: Giant Choke Slam
Glacier: Cryonic Kick
Goldberg: Jackhammer
Hacksaw Jim Duggan: Old Glory Knee Drop
High Voltage: Power Surge
Horace Boulder: Full Nelson Slam
Hugh Morrus: ‘No Laughing Matter’
"Hollywood" Hulk Hogan: Hollywood Leg Drop
Jerry Flynn: Cross Arm-Breaker
Johnny Grunge: Spinebuster
Juventud Guerrera: 450 Splash or Juvi Driver
Kanyon: The Flatliner
Kenny Kaos: Power Surge
Kevin Nash: Jack-knife Powerbomb
Kidman: Shooting Star Press
Konnan: Tequila Sunrise
La Parka: Top-Rope Body Splash, Chair Shot or Moonsault
Lenny Lane: Memory Lane (Full Nelson Slam)
Lex Luger: Torture Rack
Lizmark Jr: Asai Moonsault (Cartwheel Moonsault)
Lodi: Spinning DDT
Macho Man Randy Savage: Elbow Drop
Mean Mike: Reverse Neckbreaker
Meng: Tongan Death Grip
Norman Smiley: Ankle Lock
Psychosis: Guillotine Leg Drop
Public Enemy: Drive-By
Raven: Even Flow DDT
Reese: Two-Handed Choke Slam
Renegade: Backbreaker
Rey Mysterio Jr: Hurricanrana Pin
Ric Flair: Figure-4 Leg Lock
Rick Steiner: Top-Rope Bulldog
Saturn: Death Valley Driver
Scott Hall: Outsiders Edge
Scott Norton: Powerbomb or Shoulder-buster
Scott Steiner: Steiner Recliner
Sickboy: The Cure
Stevie Ray: Slapjack
Sting: Scorpion Death Drop or Scorpion Death Lock
Super Calo: Top-Rope Ankle Scissors
Tokyo Magnum: Air Tokyo
Vincent: Cobra Clutch
Wrath: Meltdown
Yuji Nagata: Nagata-lock

Copyright 1998-99 J0ker'$ Kri13 This site is not associated with WWF or Wcw or any other fed in any way