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This is one of the few horseshoe clubs that owns all its own facilities.We have aprox.3 acres of land,13 courts and a clubhouse with shade trees and wooded areas frequented by deer,rabbits,ducks,geese and other wildlife.

Since 1985 all of our leagues have been conducted under the National Horseshoe Pitchers Association(NHPA)sanctioned league program.All participants must be members of the NHPA.Cost for NHPA sanction card is $17.00 for Wisconsin residents and $18.00 for Illinois residents.Club dues are $15.00 per year or $20.00 for family membership.Participation in our leagues will count as one of the qualifiers for competing in either the Wisconsin or Illinois state Tournament(depending on your state residence)and will also count toward World Tournament eligibility.

Leagues are conducted as follows:

Monday 10:AM-Monday morning singles league

Tuesday 6:15 PM-Doubles league

Wendsday 10:AM-30 FT.league

Thursday 6:15 PM-Singles league

Saturday 1 PM-Open pitching(except on tournament dates)

All leagues are 90% handicapped,and will run from mid-may thru August.All members are encouraged to use the courts at any time for practice.

The Beloit Horseshoe Club was incorporated in 1990 as a non-stock,not for profit corporation.It's only purpose is to promote and encourage the sport of horseshoe pitching.The only owners are the club members.There are no stockholders.

Club officers are:

President-Norm"mouse"Beckius-Vice President Ken Lovaas-Sec-Treas.-Earl Paulson-Historian-Harold Laws

Board of Directors-Red Ferguson-Carl Schliem-Duane Woodard-Mike Rousseau

Our club is fortunate to be the host each year of the World Team Horseshoe Tournament.Team World 98 will be held this year at the Edwards Activity and Sports Center on May 15th though May 17th.This is the most important event of the year for our club and the biggest fundraiser.Some of the best horseshoe pitchers in the World come to Beloit each year to compete for the "Team World Cup".We also host several other tournaments during the year and encourage all members to compete in them and to help us run them.We also would like to see more of our members compete in other nearby tournaments as well as the State Tournament and the World Tournament whice will be held in Ainsworth Nebraska this year.

The last very important event of the year which we would like to see every member take part in is our annual Banquet which is usually held the first or second Sunday in October.This is when we enjoy a good meal together and distribute the club awards,the NHPA awards and the prize money which we work so hard for all summer.

We trust that you will enjoy the competition,the fellowship and sportsmanship as this is what horseshoe pitching is all about.Have a good time!!

Team World Champions
Wisconsin Natstats
Illinois Natstats
WHPA Officers-NHPA Regional Directors
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