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SW & Tolkien & Magic: The Gathering Home

Star Wars Main

Magic: The Gathering

Tolkien Main


My Awards

Awards we won


If you see any misspellings please e-mail them to me.
               January 22
I'm back and should be adding some more updates soon. Thanks for your patience.
               December 20
Sorry again for lack of updates, school has been very time consuming. I hope to be updating more soon.
               November 4
I've added a review for Episode 1: The Phatom Menace computer game. Trust me its great.
               November 4
Chevs gaming page has changed to Tiberium Sun Zone. The Magic section will be updated soon.
               September 12
Sorry for the long lack of updates, I hope that will change. I fixed a few errors in the Episode 1 characters. There should be more updates soon.
               August 8
We've got a new award to give away, the in General Great Site award, anyone can apply. We also have a archive for the news, well thats all.
               August 7
I've got the image map in Tolkien Places working. I also have info on the Shire and Isengard there. There is pictures for Rivendell, Lothlorien, and Gondor.
               August 6
I'm in the process of adding Tolkien Places.
               August 6
I've added the Episode IV Vehicles, and please Vote for me in the SW Top 100 . Thank you.
               August 5
I've added my own awards, Episode 1 Vehicles, and now we are affiliated with Chevs Gaming Page.
               August 3
I've added a review for Star Wars: Rebellion today.
               August 2
We have won our second award, the Jedi Master Award. We got 2 out of 5 stars, so we are ranked as a better site.
               July 29
I was thinking about changing the name, wht do you think. E-Mail me from the link below, by the awards.
               July 11
I've added some of the star ships from Episode 4.
               July 11
I've added some of the star ships from Episode 1.
               July 10
I've added some of the characters in Episode 4 to the Star Wars Main. I am also sorry for not updating in such a long time.

Archived News
June July/August September

Thanks for coming to my web site, please come again.

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