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Welcome to Stalkers Anonymous!

Remember: Stalking is illegal. ... But only after you get caught!

This is a little Scifi Shrine, by three addicts. So far, only the Farscape pages are up and running, but soon, Star Wars and Star Trek will be too.

In Farscape, you will find: Quotes, FanFic, and a role play.

Enjoy your stay and feel free to mail us.

Rehanna, Danielle and Meghan
P.S. Please remember to sign the guestbook.

   August 23, 2000: Two updates in two days, Reh's on a roll! Okay.. First I got s Spirit Flower! Isn't it pretty? LOL .. And I've adopted a Useless Blob.. Take a look... and as for actual WORK.. I have another ep quoted.. "Exodus from Genisis".

LOOK! I made a banner! (When I shoulda been quoting eps, but...) It's going to live on the main page for a couple days so I can show it off.
August 21, 2000: Lookie! Reh got off her arse (or on it however you wanna think about it) and DID some updating!
-First, most of the site is now html pure (only the 2nd rp page is left).
-There have also been quotes added for "I, E.T.", "PK Tech Girl", "Thank God it's Friday, Again" and "Durka Returns" (Hey, I know it's taking me a long time but they ARE going up).
-Last, but not least, there's two new shippy fics ("Holo Gesture" by Elflore and "Meant to Be" by Elflore and Reh).

Coming soon (I SWEAR! ;) : Stalk -- er -- SPONSER a Star

Members - Join Stalkers Anonymous or just check out our list of members

Farscape Webrings
Star Trek
Star Trek Webrings
Star Wars
Star Wars Webrings

The Star Trek pages have been started and are linked to this one. The three in italics are to pages that don't yet exsist, so don't waste your time by clicking on them. :)

The Site Fights Spirit Flowers Send a Spirit Flower!

This is Bob. He is my Useless Blob.
Visit SpaceFem's Planet for your own Useless Blob!

Sign Our Guestbook Get your own FREE Guestbook from htmlGEAR View Our Guestbook

exemplar connect banner exchange
The Exemplar Connect Banner Exchange

Last Updated: August 10, 2000

Disclaimer: The title for this site is a joke. Please don't decide to sue three teenagers because they're having a little fun and aren't hurting anyone. We don't accually stalk anyone. As I said, it's simply a joke.