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Morgan Saddleseat Class Descriptions

All pictures and descriptions are from the American Morgan Horse Association breed poster, The Morgan Horse Activity Book Just-in Fun, and Morgan Show Classes as in the Prairie State Classic Show book. Above picture by Nancy Eidam

Park Saddle

Park horses should present an overall picture of beauty, brilliance, animation and elegance. This horse really "struts his stuff." Judged 40% on conformation and 60% on way of going, this class has the elegance of high-stepping, snorting, energtic horses so keyed to their performance that their hooves barely touch the ground.

Park Harness

Park Harness Horse should be the epitome of quality, refinment and elegance. Shown at a park walk, park trot and in classes other that Ladies, Amateur and Junior Exibitor, the judge will ask the driver to "show your horse." At this command the driver should show the horse to its best advantage. The driver may increase or decrease speed, but excessive speed is penalized.

Park Harness

English Pleasure Horse should give the appearance he enjoys the work he is doing and that he is a pleasure to ride and enjoy. The rider riding from and sitting down on the saddle is called posting and is part to the English riding style. This form provides comfort for both the horse and rider. This horse shows at a walk, road trot and canter with light rein.

Picture by Nancy Eidam.

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