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Trip plans

Updated on 11-09-99

Ok I have some information to go on for the trip now. Here I will have a basic trip path, cost with current exchange rates as of 11-9-99 and I'll try to give people a basic idea of what they will need to bring with also I have a list of things still needed. I would like to have a chat with the people that want to go and see if everything works out ok, answer any questions that I can and I think it would be a good idea for everyone to meet.

The trip itself.

The Main meeting point of the trip will be in Kitimat B.C. Where we will be getting on a charter boat at a cost of $1493.04 to $1628.77 +7% U.S. for the group. The cost is for the charter boat and the difference in cost depends on what part of the island we are going to. I didn't receive anything saying if this was round trip or one way, so I will be sending an E-mail tonight to get more details. From there directly to Princess Royal Island. One of the items that we REALLY NEED is a topographical map! I have looked all around where I live and I can not find anything. Princess Royal Island dose have some steep rock walls next to the shore so We need to see this for a camp site and a landing area. If need be I do have a map of the river areas and a book describing a trip there in some detail that can be used.

I will also see about any deposits and reservations in my next E-mail to the charter company when I send the E-mail tonight.

I am still looking for other options to get to the island. I thought about other charter boats before but I didn't find any for that area. I will look again just in case I missed something, but if one of you could find a second option that would be good. I would like to have other ways to get to the island if the first charter company is full for the time.

Trip time

I would like to be looking at about two weeks, with a range of no less then about a week and I don't think I could go if it was more than three weeks. I am looking at towards the end of August for a time to go. I have been told that this is the best time to try to see the Spirit Bear, but we will need to make the reservation soon because the charter company is already making out the schedule for the year 2000. Again a second option to get to the island would be nice.

What I would like to do there

I would like to see the Spirit Bear (as I know we all would) but the simple reality could be that we don't see any at all. One trip there it took weeks to see the first one. So to make the trip as effective as possible I think the focus should also include the land and other animals that are found there. I would like to make the fruits of the trip last as long as possible and be as effective as well. This way even if we don't see a Spirit Bear then we all come home with some good stuff.

I will be taking Photographs for the Spirit Bear page and I know of one other that will be taking Photos as well. I would also like to get some information to write and article or two for when we all get back. If we have any writers in the group then by all means write. I would be willing to let you use some of my Photos from there for an article.

I would also like to shoot some video. At first I was think as a nature documentary but the resources that I would need would be to much to bring, so now I am looking at doing a series of 30 min shows from up there and then show them on the Spirit Bear page and any public TV that I can. If you would like to help, be in them or have some suggestions on this you can E-mail me anytime.

There is problems with batteries and tape but I have found a solar batteries charger made for regular batteries but I called the company and I was assured that this could be used for video camera batteries as well. If anything I will just bring a lot of extras. The solar charger is meant for regular batteries so we will be able to "recharge" in the field for some things. I will look into it and see if special batteries are needed to recharge them and get back to you all. *REMEMBER* this is solar power so if it is cloud covered then no recharge.

Gear you will need

This one is harder for me to say. Honestly I have never been to B.C. before so I am trying to talk to people from there and see what to expect. This is in the later part of August so we still have the summer but it is north a bit so when you decide on gear keep in mind that it could get cold! Also the island and waters around it are known for some bad long storms at times so think in terms of something that will keep you warm and dry as well for long periods of time if needed. When I hear more about what is recommended I will post it for you all. I will try to also post what gear I personally will bring but I will be getting most of my gear in the spring or summer. A good first aid kit is basically required for each person. Remember we will not be in an area where someone can just hike back to the car. I am looking into a good radio just in case someone dose have a serious problem so we can get in touch with someone if needed.

When you pack your gear remember that we cant go back to the car to get something once we are there. I personally will be packed down a lot (something I don't like to do but...) with gear for myself and what gear I can get for the group as a whole. If someone thinks they will have some extra they could carry then also E-mail me.

Food right now is bring your own. I could maybe bring extra for everyone but I need to see what my pack is going to be like before I say a Yes I can or No. To best get ready for this think that you are going to be living off what you bring. If I personally will try to bring as much for the group as possible.

I would also suggest you look into some of Tom Brown Jr. books as well. I know there are some trackers of varying skills that are going along and I think they would also recommend this. I personally have studied his books for 3 years now and they are good. The survival guides are good to have along for reference and practice before we go. If you have problems getting one E-mail me I can show you where to order them on-line.

Lastly I do have to say that we will be going as a group but you will be responsible for yourself. I don't mean to make this sound bad but it dose need to be said. This is not really a tour group in the sense that everything will be provided for you. I will do as much as possible and we do have people that know how to survive in the group but in the end you are responsible for you own safety like on any camping trip. I don't see any of us having to rock climb or anything out of the ordinary so it should not be a problem. :)

What we need as a group yet

There are a few items that come to mind that we still need or would be nice to have if needed.

Topographical map of the area

Extra gear, for members that might not be able to get everything

Cameras, batteries, tape. If you do not want to take video shots but you don't mind if someone else dose then this would be grate. (As someone who has a camera I understand if you don't want to do this ether. loaning out your camera can be like loaning out your baby!)

Help on finding a back up plan to get out there if we don't use this charter company.

Also if there are people willing to give the group some tips on nature photography etc. then let me know I have a chat room where we can all get together and talk.

Last but not least

I have not decided on a time to try to have a chat so everyone can meet so if you all can E-mail me about what times days would be best for you then I can get something together for a chat. I do think this is really important to meet the people that you will be spending a week or so together with, but not required. Then we can also figure out the best exact day to go and how long to stay exactly that would be best for everyone involved.

I believe I covered a lot of information here to give everyone a better idea. I will update this page as soon as I can with more information when I get the E-mails back. I also will try to E-mail you all when I have more information about the trip, but just in case I miss you I will start putting a "updated notice" next to the link off of the Spirit Bear page.

This is the first of what I hope to be many trips that I have worked on for the Spirit Bear page so if you have any suggestions please E-mail me.

If there are any questions that I have not covered or if you have anything that you wanted to E-mail me about my address is: